Shovel Knight Wiki

What can the humble Bard do for you today?

The Bard, Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope

The Bard is a recurring character in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, usually found in the Village.


The Bard wears an orange overshirt with lace in the front and a brown cape in the back. His hat is a lighter orange with brown stitches on the rim, and holds yellow feathers. His sleeves are the same color of yellow. He wears brownish leggings with pointed toes, which is a traditional bard or jester trait. He plays a lute.

For some odd reason, the Bard wears a knight helmet.



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Shovel of Hope[]

In Shovel of Hope, the Bard can be found playing a lute near the Village's fountain. He sets Shovel Knight on a quest to recover his 46 lost Music Sheets, spread around the Valley. He rewards Shovel Knight Treasures icon 500 gold for each Music Sheet recovered. He also gladly details who requested each musical score and how he ended up creating them. Shovel Knight is then able to listen to the song whenever wanted.

He reappears in the ending with the rest of the Village, witnessing the fall of the Tower of Fate.

Plague of Shadows[]

The Bard can be found at his usual spot in the Village in Plague of Shadows. Plague Knight cannot talk to him since he is barred from entry.

He is seen again in the ending, rejoicing with the rest of the Village at the destruction of the Tower of Fate.

King of Cards[]

In King of Cards, the Bard can be first met alongside Cooper in the House of Joustus. He can then be found on the Glidewing, where he awards King Knight with Treasures icon 900 gold and a song for every 10 Merit Medals he collects. King Knight will be rewarded without having to give his Merit Medals to the Bard.

During the ending, it is revealed that the Bard lost his Music Sheets by dropping them during the Glidewing's destruction. Later, he is seen running after a Music Sheet outside the Homestead.


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First time talked to "Bard: Hail, traveler! I am but a simple bard, but I have a big problem... I've lost all my Music Sheets! My entire repertoire lays scattered across the land! If you ever find a Music Sheet, return it to me, and I shall reward you... handsomely!"
Delivering a single Music Sheet "Bard:
You have a Music Sheet! Please accept 500 gold as a reward!
Delivering two Music Sheets or more "Bard:
You have [x] Music Sheets! Magnificient! Take 500 gold for each!
After delivering a Music Sheet "Bard: Wonderful! Let's see here... Oh, you found "[x]"
Now that I have this Music Sheet, I can perform it for you any time!! Just ask!
Talked to "Bard: Hail, Shovel Knight! Hero of music! What can the humble Bard do for you today?"
Choosing to play a music "Bard: Splendid! What would you like to hear?"
Delivering the last Music Sheet(s) "Bard:
You've recovered every single opus in my oeuvre! A chromed-out curator! A heroic historian! You may have saved the village, but your real contribution... is to the fine arts!
Talked to after beating either the Battletoads or Kratos "Bard: Hey Shovel Knight! I just received a book of mysterious songs from a faraway brand! I mean, land! Anyway, I've added them to the song list! So..."

Outside the House of Joustus, Black Knight defeated "Cooper:
You there!
You, the pauldrons! Fancy-pants! Yes, you!
My friend and I have an offer for you. We need to talk- elsewhere.
"King Knight: Sorry, petitioners. I am not accepting gifts from peasants, and I won't have a word of your pleasantries."
"Bard: Does the Joustus Crown ring a bell? We bid you no harm, and wish to hear your story. Please,
your highness?
"King Knight: Hmm.. finally some recognition of my status! Very well! I'll hear you out. Heave to and grab the rope!"
Boarding the Glidewing for the first time "King Knight: This ramshackle monstrosity seems ready to splinter to bits, but...
I must say, this view of my future kingdom is quite remarkable.
"Cooper: The Glidewing is a sturdy lass! My crew of fortune-seekers depends on her, and we turn a mighty profit."
"Bard: And lately, we've had our eyes on the Joustus Crown."
"Cooper: But we need a champion who can outplay King Pridemoor. And clearly- you, my friend, have a magic touch!"

[This last sentence is replaced by "... And you, my friend, certainly look the part!" if the Glidewing is boarded without defeating Black Knight]

"King Knight: Oh, I assure you, the Joustus Judges will be small work for a talent such as my own."
"Cooper: Your grace, I believe we have an understanding. If we work together, the glory will be yours!"

[King Pridemoor's banner is unfurled]

"Cooper: First up is King Pridemoor, a bearded noble with a razor wit! We're nearing his domain- Pridemoor Keep.
But, it will be a moment yet. Have a stroll around the Glidewing, and rest up. Welcome aboard!

Boarding the Glidewing after acquiring two followers "King Knight:
Mother! What are you doing here?
"Mom: Sugar plum! Here you are! I grabbed one of your little rat ropes, and suddenly I was whisked up here!"
"Cooper: Your dear mother was just telling us all about the many virtues of King Pridemoor!"
"Mom: I just love King Pridemoor. I read in King's Weekly that he was a real stickler for the rules!"
"King Knight: Mom... hush! You know you're not to disturb my quests!
Stay out of my thing!
"Bard: Without rules, one can't be much of a ruler. Perhaps your mother's insight could help guide our quest!"
"Mom: Oh, what a thrill, dearies! To fly through the sky, and perhaps even catch a glimpse of a king!"
"King Knight: ..This is nonsense! Hogwash! mother,
Say nothing to my servants!
Boarding the Glidewing after defeating King Pridemoor "Cooper: My days, King Pridemoor stands among us! All of you, kneel in the presence of our king!"
"King Pridemoor: No formalities are needed among friends! I've just met King Knight and glimpsed his strategic brilliance!"
"Bard: King Knight, champion of a monarch. Huzzah! Unfurl the banner!"

[The first victory banner is unfurled, the followers leave the hall]

"Bard: King Knight, I'm impressed. You've bested the undefeated King Pridemoor at Joustus?! Well done."
"King Knight: Oh, uh.. Yes! Pridemoor succumbed easily to my Joustus genius. Now, shall we send him on his way?"
"King Pridemoor: Don't fret over me, I'm quite invigorated! In fact, now that I'm here,
I could just stay!
"Cooper: King Pridemoor, it would be our
distinct honor
to have you as our guest!
"King Knight: ..."

[The Troupple King's banner is unfurled]

"King Pridemoor: Well, then, it's a royal flight! Full steam ahead to the Troupple Grotto.
I still remember the secret path to the reclusive Troupple King, after all these
Boarding the Glidewing after defeating the Troupple King "Bard: A Troupple Acolyte has come aboard.. but there's no sign of the Troupple King?"
"Troupple Acolyte: I'm here in lieu of his majesty. He bows his stem to King Knight, heir apparent to the Joustus Crown!"
"Cooper: Gulpin' Gizzards, he's done it! He's beaten the Troupple King!

[The second victory banner is unfurled, the followers leave the hall]

"Bard: Details, man, out with it! Mustn't keep your audience waiting! How did you outsmart the Troupple King?"
"Troupple Acolyte: ...Well, ah, actually, you know, I'm not sure if--"
"King Knight: Simple strategy, my subjects! when Ii exerted my
intellect, the answer became clear!

[King Birder's banner is unfurled]

"Cooper: ..Right, very good. Just one Judge left, now. But King Birder is different - we've only recently heard of him!"
"Troupple Acolyte: If I may? His finned fruitness tells tale of the Birder Bluffs, where many birders tend to flock.
But we've yet to meet this new king ourselves. Something's fishy- the Troupple King's roots seed a
dire warning.

I shall reflect belowdecks, King Knight, but do stop by. I might have a whale of a surprise for you.

[The Troupple Acolyte leaves the hall]

"Bard: There isn't much time to lose, then. Let's gather our wits, and compose ourselves. Onward, to the Birder Bluffs!"

Boarding the Glidewing after defeating King Birder "Bard: You're back! Our cohorts just told us the awful news!"
"Troupple Acolyte: It's all true! the Joustus Crown was a sham! The Enchantress distracted us all!
We're doomed!
"Cooper: Everyone, settle down! Your attention, please!
Hope is not yet lost. The Enchantress> fooled us all... but unfortunately for her, she also brought us together.
"King Pridemoor: Our captain is right. We must unify, and fight for what we cherish! My kingdom, my griffoths.."
"Troupple Acolyte: My friends at the Troupple Pond, and our majestic king!"
"Birder: For birders, and all those without a voice. I may have just joined, but your angle is true!"
"Cooper: It's been quite a journey, but our goal is now clear. We can't let The Enchantress win. Now,
who's with me!?

I'll fly us close to the Tower of Fate ahead. This is it, King Knight. We're all depending on you.
Propeller Knight attacks the Glidewing "Bard:
We're under attack!
This is serious!
I know our foe all too well. The ship's on lockdown until we're rid of the enemy!
Take out the intruders! I'll try to steer us out of this mess!
Talked to after defeating the assaulting Hoverhafts "Bard:
It's curtains for me!!
I should have stayed home playing the same boring songs.

First time talked to aboard the Glidewing "Bard: King Knight! You dazzle me with your gleam. A moment, if I may?"
"King Knight: Why, I do feel rather
today! What troubles you, Bard?
"Bard: Merit Medals. You see, I've realized that those brave enough to find them have... most interesting tales to tell. Most interesting indeed.
Perhaps I could take a peek at your majestic collection, to inspire a melody?
Talked to without collecting all Merit Medals "Bard: King Knight! Ahoy! Avast! Bonjour! Any new Merit Medals?"
Without enough new Merit Medals "Bard: Looks like [x] total medals. Each one a song, a poem, a dream. Before you know it, you'll have [y]. Marvelous!"
Talked to with enough new Merit Medals "Bard: [x] merit medals! You're quickly becoming a bard in your own right.
It's not much, but I've saved [y] gold to mark the occasion. Would you accept it?
Answering "No" to show the acquired Merit Medals "Bard: I do understand you're well-funded, but I'll set it aside in case you're ever... between jobs."
Answering "Yes" to show the acquired Merit Medals "Bard: I've another form of patronage, sire. Please, allow me to regale you with a verse you've inspired! Ahem.."

[The Bard then recites one of his poems]

The Bard's poems (in this order the first time, then random order) "Bard: As he trod through the grass, o'er the hills of the plains, the king's cleanest trousers grew soiled with stains.
Abroad from his castle, aloft in the sky... He traded his kingdom for a flagon of lye.
"Bard: Liches love amulets, this much is true; but jewelers are eager to bid them adieu!
When selling one's masterworks brings people health, one tends to start stacking up stock on the shelf.
"Bard: The fury of lions, fierce seas to the south, conspiring for years to combine in your mouth!
Pridemoor is plagued yet by hoodlums and creeps, but it seems our cuisine has been playing for keeps.
"Bard: What of the bomb? It's a simple device. But if you're to build them, you're wise to think twice.
A quick look at alchemy ought to lay bare... that one small mistake lands you up in the air!
"Bard: As the deep sea lay dormant, dark truths swirled away, and all of our accidents sunk in the bay.
And legions and legacies cried in the sand... the merciless ocean had met its demand.
"Bard: In a sorrowful pit in the core of the shale; with deep golden inlays hewn into their mail,
Lest their recent good fortune collapse in a heap... the merchant militia marched on in their sleep.
"Bard: Great is my glory! My saplings swim free. For I am the fish, and the fruit, and the tree.
But you are the sun and the sand and the waves; May flowers and festivals grow from our graves.
"Bard: I hesitate, thinking of home at the last. My family, sat by the hearth holding fast.
And here as I shiver and stagger and fall, the biting wind scarcely feels chilly at all.
"Bard: "Are you daft?" yells the carpenter. "Too large a box! To lift it, you'd have to be strong as an ox."
The clockmaker thinks and he ticks and he tocks, and he says, "Who's got time to be moving their clocks?"
"Bard: While much has been said of the feeling of flight, it's really no different than flying a kite.
The pulling of strings, and the rush of young wonder. You may escape land, but you can't escape thunder!

"Bard: A bird is a bard with a beak or a bill, who sings a song softly or shrilly at will.
We bards study folktales and struggle through college, yet no one throws bottles at birds, to my knowledge.
"Bard: And the towers all fell like the rains in the spring; And when word reached the village, they cried for their king.
But the king was alive in a terrible way; and the dust turned to dirt, and the green turned to gray.

Talked to after collecting all Merit Medals "Bard:
Every single merit medal, collected! You've become a bona fide legend, just by telling me your stories!
Head over to the bow! Using your 25 spare medals, I've arranged a little surprise in your honor.
Long live the king!
Talked to again after collecting all Merit Medals "Bard: King Knight, hero of merit! Allow me a moment to regale you! Ahem.."

[The Bard then recites one of his poems]


  • The Bard represents the game's compositor, Jake Kaufman, as he wrote most of the music of the game and also helped with the story and dialogues. The developers let him write all of the Bard's lines and music descriptions so the Bard could take on his personality.[2] Some of those descriptions are direct references to the development of the game's music.
    • On the track In the Halls of the Usurper, he states that the piece "kickstarted" his career as it was his first publicly performed lair theme and the first playable level. This is also a direct reference to how Shovel Knight was funded by a Kickstarter campaign. This track was also in the first preview level.
    • When commenting on Flowers of Antimony and A Thousand Leagues Below, the Bard states that these tracks are actually composed by another female bard from a faraway land, a clear reference to Manami Matsumae, the composer of these tracks also known for her work on the Mega Man series.
  • Even though he isn't a knight, his sprite is named "Bard Knight" in the game's files. His model uses a lot of frames for his animations (more than 15 each), which gives him fluid movements unlike most other NPCs.
  • In Plague of Shadows, if Plague Knight travels underground after collecting Scrap Sheets in a stage other than the Plains, the Bard will still jump in joy as he does when Shovel Knight brings him Music Sheets.
  • The developers designed a Body Swap version of the Bard, although only the main cast of Shovel of Hope had one added to the campaign.
  • Though not canon, in the unfinished Super Beard Bros. playthrough of Plague of Shadows, Jake Kaufman said he liked to call the Bard "Virttholomew". This is a reference to the name he used as an OC remixer, Virt.
  • In the King of Cards demo, the Bard could be met in the Card Shack. He accepted to help King Knight through the Joustus competition, since his own songs had grown stale and he wished to move on. He then called himself the "Card Bard" and followed King Knight in his quest to be "King of Cards". He had the following dialogue:
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First talked to in the Card Shack "King Knight: King.... of Cards!? Mr. Bard! I must become the King of Cards!! This hunk of iron says you can help me!"
"Bard: Maybe I can! See I'm a simple bard, but I must move on as my songs have grown stale. Call me ... The Card Bard!"
"Card Bard: The Card Board behind me shows the local card competitors. Defeat them and you'll soon be king! Would you like to see the Card Board?"
Informing on Molly "Card Bard: Matron Molly, quite nearby! My goodness, she is affectionate!"
Informing on Leo "Card Bard: He's one of the fanciest players I've seen!"
Informing on the third unknown competitor "Card Bard: Defeat the other Card Board competitors to find this hungry fella!"
After beating Molly and Leo "Card Bard: Wow, you beat all the challengers! Now.. time to track down the final card master!"
Informing on the Goatician "Card Bard: Goatician? I've heard he's quite the player. Careful though! He's prone to eating players' cards."
After defeating the Goatician "Goatician: Oh no! You bleat me! Maybe you are the true King of Cards..."
"King Knight: Of course I am! I'm the best! Come, Card Bard, let's shuffle out!"
"Card Bard: Away we go!"

  • While the Bard himself does not appear in Pocket Dungeon, he is referenced through the Bard's Waltzing Hat Hat sold by Mr. Hat.


Language Name Meaning
English Bard -
French Barde Bard
Italian Bardo Bard
German Barde Bard
Spanish Bardo Bard
Japanese 吟遊詩人
Russian Бард
Brazilian-Portuguese Bardo Bard
Korean 음유시인
Simplified Chinese 吟游诗人
yín yóu shīrén
Traditional Chinese 吟遊詩人
yínyóu shīrén



Shovel of Hope Characters
Main Characters: Shovel KnightShield KnightBlack KnightThe Enchantress
The Order of No Quarter: King KnightSpecter KnightPlague KnightTreasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
The Wandering Travelers: ReizeBazMr. HatPhantom Striker
Guest Characters: KratosBattletoadsMadam MeeberPassmaster
Village: FarrelsBardMollyGoaticianGoatarmorerGastronomerMagicistJuice MaidDancerDeposed KingGrandma SwampMonaCroakerChesterTroupple AcolyteHoop KidPlaying KidHedge FarmerWater CarrierGrizzled Seer
Armor Outpost: WallaceToaderFishermanMary SweetsLeoPeacock GentDollyArmorerShovel SmithYopplerAirship EnthusiastScholarFish Head
Wandering NPCs: KnightsLady KnightsAdventurersFishermenBag FellowsMaidensDeer LadiesGatherersVillagers
Relic Stages NPCs: VillagerAdventurerGrizzled Seer
Hall of Champions: TicketerCultured FellowPatronThe Big Creep
Troupple Pond and sparkling pits: Troupple KingTroupples
Mini-Bosses: TeethalonThe Dinghy DropperThe Alchemeister
Final Boss: Remnant of Fate
Plague of Shadows Characters
Main Characters: Plague KnightMonaPercyBlack KnightShovel KnightThe Enchantress
The Order of No Quarter: King KnightSpecter KnightTreasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
The Wandering Travelers: ReizeBazMr. HatPhantom Striker
Guest Characters: Madam Meeber
Village: Farrels
Team Plague: MagicistHedge PupilMail Minion (Grandma Swamp) • OolongPlague Minions
Armor Outpost: ChesterTroupple AcolyteAirship Enthusiast
Hall of Champions: Head GuardCultured FellowPatron
Troupple Pond: Troupple KingTroupples
Mini-Bosses: TeethalonThe Dinghy DropperThe Alchemeister
Final Bosses: Plague of ShadowsCorrupted Essence
Cameo/Ending Only NPCs: BardMollyDollyLeoPeacock GentMary SweetsToaderFishermanWallaceYopplerGrizzled SeerWater CarrierHedge FarmerGastronomerCroakerDeposed KingTroupple AcolyteDeer LadiesLady KnightsBag FellowsFishermenGatherersVillagersKnightsMaidensAdventurers
King of Cards Characters
Main Characters: King KnightMomKing PridemoorTroupple KingKing BirderSpecter KnightThe Enchantress
Glidewing: DoeCooperBardCardiaGouacheHengineerLedge FarmerVicar of VigorGrandma Swamp
Glidewing Recruits: Hedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusSkipBartonTroupple AcolytesTMK-500Mr. Hat
The Wandering Travelers: Phantom StrikerBazPlague Knight (Percy) • Treasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
House of Joustus: RookieHoop KidPlaying KidGoaticianJuice MaidCroakerRuffianBlack Knight (Terrorpin) • KnightsGathererGrizzled Seers
Cavern of Joustus: VisitorCloaked Figure (Wandering) • ArmorerShovel SmithMole MinionBlorb/BlazorbToaderMona
Crag of Joustus: Old LadyLeoCogslotterHover MeanieCroakerToaderSpinwulvesYopplerOolongPlague MinionCloaked Figure (Wandering)
Tower of Joustus: MissyLiquid SamuraiWizzemRedHorace
Joustus houses/Glidewing: Chester
Wandering NPCs: Old LadiesCard PlayersBag FellowsVisitorsRookiesAdventurersGamblersLady KnightsPlague MinionsLunksWizzemsHoppiclesesCogslottersHover MeaniesTundreadsHoverhaftsRail RidersGhostsGoldarmorsGulper MagesBoneclangsLiquid Samurais
Chest Stage NPCs: Hedge FarmerFarrelsGrizzled SeerGastronomerSnow MaidenBag Fellow
Eerie Manor: The Big Creep
Void Crater: DollyHorzio
Fairy Glade: Madam Meeber
Mini-Bosses: Mole MinionTeethalon
Final Boss: The Grand Triumvirate
Background/Ending Only NPCs: The AlchemeisterWhippiclesesPeacock GentTicketerCultured FellowsPatronsMagicistShovel Knight
Showdown Characters
Playable Characters: Shovel Knight (Fish Head) • Shield KnightBlack KnightThe EnchantressPlague KnightSpecter Knight (Donovan) • King KnightTinker KnightMole KnightTreasure KnightPolar KnightPropeller KnightReizeBazPhantom StrikerMr. HatMonaDark ReizeLiquid SamuraiGoldarmor (Dragon Goldarmor) • Random Knight
Chester's Choice: Chester
Glidewing Crew: CooperBardDoeHengineerVicar of VigorMomKing PridemoorTroupple AcolyteHedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusBartonSkipTroupple MissionaryTMK-500
Village - Town Center: Water CarrierFarrelsYoppler
Village - House of Joustus: Lady KnightsLunksOld LadiesAdventurersGamblersCard PlayersRookiesVisitors
Troupple Grotto - Royal Pond: Troupple KingTroupples
Troupple Grotto - Axolongl Cave: Axolongls
Tower of Fate - Mirror Chamber: Dark AcolyteMissyRedMannyHorace
Colosseum - Percy's Targets: PercyBeetos
Final Boss: Mirror of Fate