Shovel Knight Wiki

Ah, the topside air! Horses and caves never mixed well....

Barton, Shovel Knight: King of Cards

Barton is a minor character in King of Cards, and an Adventurer with a knack for finding treasures.


Barton shares the same appearance and portrait as regular Adventurer horsemen. Whenever horse people like Barton are supposed to have hands or hooves has been fairly inconsistent between sprites and original artworks, but it has been confirmed that at least Percy, a fellow horse person, is supposed to have hands.[1]



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King of Cards[]

Barton has been adventuring in the Lost City to looks for treasures. He however found himself too much weighted by his loot to climb back up and thus trapped at the Volcanic Vault. He sells King Knight the Scorching Saber for 9 Merit Medals at the beginning of the course so they can both escape.

Joustus Deck[]

RedCardBarton RedCardRatKing RedCardRatKing RedCardFairy
Barton Rat King Rat King Fairy
RedCardTadvolt RedCardTadvolt RedCardTorpeeto RedCardTorpeeto
Tadvolt Tadvolt Torpeeto Torpeeto
RedCardBirder RedCardBirder RedCardHootstack RedCardHootstack
Birder Birder Hootstack Hootstack
RedCardMantar RedCardMantar RedCardTadfloat RedCardTadfloat
Mantar Mantar Tadfloat Tadfloat


Click to expand

At the start of the Volcanic Vault "Barton: The Lost City is a scrounger's paradise, all right. But I'm so saddled with loot that I can't climb out!
Tell you what. If I share my best plunder, maybe we can both gallop out of here?
Refusing to pay "Barton: Afraid of a little rockslide, eh? Well, come around when you stirrup some confidence, partner!"
After Buying the Scorching Saber "Barton: Meet me on the other side.
And you can't Shoulder Bash in here. Use the Scorching Saber I just give ya!
At the end of the stage "Barton: Ah, topside air! Horses and caves never mixed well.... That yer airship? Mind if I... hitch a ride?"
First time talked to aboard the Glidewing "Barton: Ah,
the life!
Thanks again for your help; I've got more gold than I can carry, so let me kick ya some!
Talked to again "Barton: Hoof on heart, I love playin' Joustus! You up for a round?"
Accepting his duel of Joustus "Barton: The best Joustus player I'm not.. Nay, I don't even care if I win! I can afford to max out my cards!"


Language Name Meaning
English Barton -
French Barton -
Italian Barton -
German Barton -
Spanish Barton -
Japanese バートン
Russian Приключенец
Brazilian-Portuguese Barton -
Korean 바튼
Simplified Chinese 巴顿
Traditional Chinese 巴頓



King of Cards Characters
Main Characters: King KnightMomKing PridemoorTroupple KingKing BirderSpecter KnightThe Enchantress
Glidewing: DoeCooperBardCardiaGouacheHengineerLedge FarmerVicar of VigorGrandma Swamp
Glidewing Recruits: Hedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusSkipBartonTroupple AcolytesTMK-500Mr. Hat
The Wandering Travelers: Phantom StrikerBazPlague Knight (Percy) • Treasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
House of Joustus: RookieHoop KidPlaying KidGoaticianJuice MaidCroakerRuffianBlack Knight (Terrorpin) • KnightsGathererGrizzled Seers
Cavern of Joustus: VisitorCloaked Figure (Wandering) • ArmorerShovel SmithMole MinionBlorb/BlazorbToaderMona
Crag of Joustus: Old LadyLeoCogslotterHover MeanieCroakerToaderSpinwulvesYopplerOolongPlague MinionCloaked Figure (Wandering)
Tower of Joustus: MissyLiquid SamuraiWizzemRedHorace
Joustus houses/Glidewing: Chester
Wandering NPCs: Old LadiesCard PlayersBag FellowsVisitorsRookiesAdventurersGamblersLady KnightsPlague MinionsLunksWizzemsHoppiclesesCogslottersHover MeaniesTundreadsHoverhaftsRail RidersGhostsGoldarmorsGulper MagesBoneclangsLiquid Samurais
Chest Stage NPCs: Hedge FarmerFarrelsGrizzled SeerGastronomerSnow MaidenBag Fellow
Eerie Manor: The Big Creep
Void Crater: DollyHorzio
Fairy Glade: Madam Meeber
Mini-Bosses: Mole MinionTeethalon
Final Boss: The Grand Triumvirate
Background/Ending Only NPCs: The AlchemeisterWhippiclesesPeacock GentTicketerCultured FellowsPatronsMagicistShovel Knight
Showdown Characters
Playable Characters: Shovel Knight (Fish Head) • Shield KnightBlack KnightThe EnchantressPlague KnightSpecter Knight (Donovan) • King KnightTinker KnightMole KnightTreasure KnightPolar KnightPropeller KnightReizeBazPhantom StrikerMr. HatMonaDark ReizeLiquid SamuraiGoldarmor (Dragon Goldarmor) • Random Knight
Chester's Choice: Chester
Glidewing Crew: CooperBardDoeHengineerVicar of VigorMomKing PridemoorTroupple AcolyteHedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusBartonSkipTroupple MissionaryTMK-500
Village - Town Center: Water CarrierFarrelsYoppler
Village - House of Joustus: Lady KnightsLunksOld LadiesAdventurersGamblersCard PlayersRookiesVisitors
Troupple Grotto - Royal Pond: Troupple KingTroupples
Troupple Grotto - Axolongl Cave: Axolongls
Tower of Fate - Mirror Chamber: Dark AcolyteMissyRedMannyHorace
Colosseum - Percy's Targets: PercyBeetos
Final Boss: Mirror of Fate