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Let us duel, then! My body may be insubstantial, but the tension is palpable!

Duelist Di, Shovel Knight: King of Cards

Duelist Di, also known as Lady Di, is a character in Shovel Knight: King of Cards and Shovel Knight Dig. She is an adventurer who died and became a ghost some period of time before King of Cards and after Dig.


Duelist Di is an armored knight with a plume on her helmet. During King of Cards, she is a blue ghost with a round badge on her right shoulder and a huge hole through her torso; she only wears one glove due to being unable to wear her other one. During Dig, she lacks the hole through her torso and is still alive; her armor is silver, her badge and gloves are yellow, and her pants are blue.



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Duelist Di was Cooper and Bard's first sponsored Joustus champion that they encountered. She traveled with them in the Glidewing, until they reached the Lich Yard, the place where Duelist Di died for unknown reasons. Cooper and Bard, sad about the fact she had seemingly vanished, went in search of a new champion.[4] Duelist Di, however, was unaware of her own death.

King of Cards[]

In Shovel Knight: King of Cards, Duelist Di appears in Duelist's Grave selling the Dueling Glove, thinking that she can no longer wear the heirloom due to it being bewitched by a "magic most foul". Once King Knight buys it and recruits her to the Glidewing's crew, she becomes aware of her fate. There, she takes the news surprisingly well, and can be played Joustus against. During the ending, after being betrayed by King Knight, she is locked in the Hall of Champions by the Phantom Striker.


In Shovel Knight Dig, Duelist Di appears in the campsite, still alive. She introduces herself as "Lady Di". Her various dialogues with other characters at camp foreshadow her ultimate death in King of Cards. She meets Cooper for the first time, and the two begin discussing their partnership.

Joustus Deck[]

RedCardDuelistDi RedCardPropellerRat RedCardPropellerRat RedCardBlitzsteed
Duelist Di Propeller Rat Propeller Rat Blitzsteed
RedCardBlorb RedCardBeeto RedCardBeeto RedCardBeeto
Blorb Beeto Beeto Beeto
RedCardDozedrake RedCardInvisishade RedCardZamby RedCardFleeto
Dozedrake Invisishade Zamby Fleeto
RedCardDivedrake RedCardBoneclang RedCardWizzem RedCardGoldarmor
Divedrake Boneclang Wizzem Goldarmor


Click to expand

At the start of the Duelist's Grave "Duelist Di: Halt! There's danger ahead. A magic most foul has bewitched my trusty Dueling Glove. I cannot wear it.
The glove simply falls through my hand. Perhaps you'd equip it instead?
Refusing to pay "Duelist Di: Please, return before long. I've a grand calling, and a quest to complete!"
After Buying the Dueling Glove "Duelist Di: Let's make haste! And Shoulder Bash not, lest we meet our untimely demise."
"King Knight: I get the feeling you've already met your.... Mmm, never mind. See you shortly!"
At the end of the stage "Duelist Di: We've survived! The Glidewing awaits, and I'll be able to pursue the Joustus Crown in fine spirits."
"King Knight: That sounds like my own..... Wait,
How do you know about the Glidewing?
"Duelist Di: Well, I'm the Joustus champion they've chosen, and I aim to become King of Cards with the help of her crew!"
"King Knight: ...How curiously bizarre... Come with me, would you?"
First talked to aboard the Glidewing "Duelist Di: King Knight. You didn't tell me I'd become a ghost, unsuitable as a Joustus champion. You could have told me."
"King Knight: Yes, well, it was a bit of a complicated matter, you see."
"Duelist Di: I cannot compete, but I still carry coin. May due patronage be more useful to you than it was to me. Here!"
Talked to again "Duelist Di: Care to play Joustus? I've no future to lose now, only time to waste."
Accepting her duel of Joustus "Duelist Di: Let us duel, then! My body may be insubstantial, but the tension is palpable!"

Wandering by the campfire (alternating) "Duelist Di: Hail, sir knight! It is I, Lady Di, Joustus champion, and undefeated duelist!"
"Duelist Di: I pride myself in being punctual! If you've any business to be done, simply run me through it, and I'll take a stab!"
Sitting alone by the campfire "Duelist Di: One day, I'll be a renowned duelist! I can feel it through my very core. Everyone will want to hear my whole story!"
Sitting by the campfire with Percy "Percy: I hear you're a duelist. That's quite a risky profession, I'd say. Have you ever.... lost a duel?"
"Duelist Di: Think about it for a moment, Percy. If I had, do you think I'd be standing here talking to you?"
Sitting by the campfire with Cooper "Cooper: My chums and I have been feeling rather entrepreneurial! We're looking for a champion, and a business venture suited to their skills."
"Duelist Di: Intriguing... If you ever have need of a card-playing duelist, you know where to find me."
Sitting by the campfire with the Prospector, Cooper, and a red Bag Fellow "Duelist Di: Try toiling away as a knight, wearing all this heavy armor. It must be nice to have a cushy job, like an airship pilot or a miner!"
Sitting by the campfire with the Lamp Lighter, the Meleeist, and the Caster "Duelist Di: I'm still working up the courage to descend into the well. I'm not about to risk losing my life!"
Sitting by the campfire with Mole Knight "Mole Knight: Apologies for my forwardness, but I must say... your plume is lovely. I've never seen anything quite so exquisite!"
"Duelist Di: Oh, why thank you! Perhaps you'd like to style one yourself in the future? I'd be happy to give you some tips."


  • Duelist Di is depicted in the second picture of the King of Cards introduction cutscene, where she is still alive and playing Joustus against an Adventurer.


Language Name Meaning
English Duelist Di "Di" is a homophone of "die", a reference to her death.
French Duelis Dis -
Italian Duellante Di Duelist Di
German Duellant Di Duelist Di
Spanish Duelista Di Duelist Di
Japanese デュエリストD
duerisuto D
Duelist D
Russian Привидение
Brazilian-Portuguese Duelista Di Duelist Di
Korean 결투자 디
gyeoltuja di
Duelist Di
Simplified Chinese 决斗者
juédòu zhě
Traditional Chinese 決鬥者
juédòu zhě



  1. First Stream of 2020!
  2. Creating a Shovel Knight Character Sprite
  3. Yacht Club Games on Twitter: "@rydarocker She sure is!" / Twitter
  4. My heart pangs in these blighted ghost lands, ever since our last champion vanished here. Let's hurry through.

    Cooper, Shovel Knight: King of Cards

King of Cards Characters
Main Characters: King KnightMomKing PridemoorTroupple KingKing BirderSpecter KnightThe Enchantress
Glidewing: DoeCooperBardCardiaGouacheHengineerLedge FarmerVicar of VigorGrandma Swamp
Glidewing Recruits: Hedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusSkipBartonTroupple AcolytesTMK-500Mr. Hat
The Wandering Travelers: Phantom StrikerBazPlague Knight (Percy) • Treasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
House of Joustus: RookieHoop KidPlaying KidGoaticianJuice MaidCroakerRuffianBlack Knight (Terrorpin) • KnightsGathererGrizzled Seers
Cavern of Joustus: VisitorCloaked Figure (Wandering) • ArmorerShovel SmithMole MinionBlorb/BlazorbToaderMona
Crag of Joustus: Old LadyLeoCogslotterHover MeanieCroakerToaderSpinwulvesYopplerOolongPlague MinionCloaked Figure (Wandering)
Tower of Joustus: MissyLiquid SamuraiWizzemRedHorace
Joustus houses/Glidewing: Chester
Wandering NPCs: Old LadiesCard PlayersBag FellowsVisitorsRookiesAdventurersGamblersLady KnightsPlague MinionsLunksWizzemsHoppiclesesCogslottersHover MeaniesTundreadsHoverhaftsRail RidersGhostsGoldarmorsGulper MagesBoneclangsLiquid Samurais
Chest Stage NPCs: Hedge FarmerFarrelsGrizzled SeerGastronomerSnow MaidenBag Fellow
Eerie Manor: The Big Creep
Void Crater: DollyHorzio
Fairy Glade: Madam Meeber
Mini-Bosses: Mole MinionTeethalon
Final Boss: The Grand Triumvirate
Background/Ending Only NPCs: The AlchemeisterWhippiclesesPeacock GentTicketerCultured FellowsPatronsMagicistShovel Knight
Showdown Characters
Playable Characters: Shovel Knight (Fish Head) • Shield KnightBlack KnightThe EnchantressPlague KnightSpecter Knight (Donovan) • King KnightTinker KnightMole KnightTreasure KnightPolar KnightPropeller KnightReizeBazPhantom StrikerMr. HatMonaDark ReizeLiquid SamuraiGoldarmor (Dragon Goldarmor) • Random Knight
Chester's Choice: Chester
Glidewing Crew: CooperBardDoeHengineerVicar of VigorMomKing PridemoorTroupple AcolyteHedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusBartonSkipTroupple MissionaryTMK-500
Village - Town Center: Water CarrierFarrelsYoppler
Village - House of Joustus: Lady KnightsLunksOld LadiesAdventurersGamblersCard PlayersRookiesVisitors
Troupple Grotto - Royal Pond: Troupple KingTroupples
Troupple Grotto - Axolongl Cave: Axolongls
Tower of Fate - Mirror Chamber: Dark AcolyteMissyRedMannyHorace
Colosseum - Percy's Targets: PercyBeetos
Final Boss: Mirror of Fate
Dig Characters
Main Characters: Shovel KnightShield Knight (Altius) • The Enchantress
The Hexcavators: Drill KnightSpore KnightHive Knight (Fleck) • Scrap KnightTinker KnightMole Knight
Surface Merchants: HoofmanWhiskerArmorer
The Well Merchants: Master ArgusTom BolaGastronomoleFetcher
Surface/The Well Merchant: Chester
Surface NPCs: WalterMaster ArgusBig BohtoHoop KidBlack Knight
Wandering/Campfire/Side-room NPCs: Duelist DiCooperPercyBag FellowPeacock GentAdventurerGastronomoleHunterLamp LighterMeleeistOremanCanary ScoutGuardFan BoyProspectorStudent MageCasterFarmsmithBow LadySpelunkerForagerClawed Miner
Final Boss: Drill Knight