Shovel Knight Wiki
For the music track that plays while inside the Glade, see The Fairy Glade.

Fairy Glade is a place located in King Knight's dreams.


The Fairy Glade can be reached by using a Decree of Rejuvenation before talking to Horzio in the Void Crater. The Snow Maiden found at the Ice House hints at it.

After waking up in the Fairy Glade, Madam Meeber welcomes King Knight and asks him to pick one of the many fairies, although she doesn't explain why. The only fairy that cannot be chosen is King Knight's fairy, and you will be prompted to choose another upon bringing it to Madam Meeber. After King Knight chooses a fairy, Madam Meeber begins a ceremony in which she crowns the selected fairy as "The Fairy King". King Knight frantically protests, complaining that he wants to be the Fairy King instead. Meeber continues to chant and praise the fairy. The scene is then revealed to be all a dream as King Knight awakens in his room.

List of Fairies[]

Fairy Character Title Dialogue Locale
Fairy of Shovelry Shovel Knight Fairy of Shovelry Oh! It's the Fairy of Shovelry, how stalwart! That little scamp just never gives up. Tower of Fate: ????
Fairy of Alchemy Plague Knight Fairy of Alchemy Oh! It's the Fairy of Alchemy, how curious! Keep an eye on this maniacal mischief maker. Explodatorium
Fairy of Torment Specter Knight Fairy of Torment Oh! It's the Fairy of Torment, how spooky! Aren't you just a
lil' thing!
Tower of Fate: Entrance
Fairy of Royalty King Knight Fairy of Royalty Oh! It's the Fairy of Royalty, how gilded! He doesn't seem too kingly to me though... Maybe you should pick another fairy. Pridemoor Keep
Fairy of Fate The Enchantress Fairy of Fate Oh! It's the Fairy of Fate, how dark! This is a seriously scary fairy- watch out! Tower of Fate: ????
Fairy of Protection Shield Knight Fairy of Protection Oh! It's the Fairy of Protection, how optimistic! She looks ready to tackle any quest! Tower of Fate: ????
Fairy of Vigilance Black Knight Fairy of Vigilance Oh! It's the Fairy of Vigilance, how rash! This one never seems to be on the right track... Tower of Fate: ????
Fairy of Power Polar Knight Fairy of Power Oh! It's the Fairy of Power, how forceful! He feels cold.. but is there a soft soul beneath that frost? The Valley
Fairy of Toil Mole Knight Fairy of Toil Oh! It's the Fairy of Toil, how diligent! I bet he could dig up the whole garden! The Valley
Fairy of Fancy Propeller Knight Fairy of Fancy Oh! It's the Fairy of Fancy, how adventurous! But his rotors feel a bit redundant, don't they? The Valley
Fairy of Invention Tinker Knight Fairy of Invention Oh! It's the Fairy of Invention, how logical! He's teeny enough to wrench a watch hand! The Valley
Fairy of Fortune Treasure Knight Fairy of Fortune Oh! It's the Fairy of Fortune, how rich! What a lucky sight- he rarely flies above sea level, after all. The Valley
Fairy of Rejection Baz Fairy of Rejection Oh! It's the Fairy of Rejection, how foolhardy! But I'm sure he'll find his path, some day. Armor Outpost
Fairy of Naiveté Reize Fairy of Naiveté Oh! It's the Fairy of Naiveté, how gullible! But his heart is innocent and pure. Tower of Fate: Entrance
Fairy of Hats Mr. Hat Fairy of Hats Oh! It's the Fairy of Hats, how fitting! I'm not sure I trust him! Armor Outpost
Fairy of Phantoms Phantom Striker Fairy of Phantoms Oh! It's the Fairy of Phantoms, how striking! And he comes with a little napkin, too. Armor Outpost
Fairy of Fairies Madam Meeber Fairy of Fairies Oh! It's the Fairy of Fairies, how recursive! I'm honored,
boopity boo!
Fairy Glade
Fairy of Grumpiness Toader Fairy of Grumpiness Oh! It's the Fairy of Grumpiness, how disappointing! Lighten up and laugh, little guy! Village
Fairy of Wordplay Croaker Fairy of Wordplay Oh! It's the Fairy of Wordplay, how funny! His humor's an acquired taste, or so I've been toad. Village
Fairy of Troupples Troupple King Fairy of Troupples Oh! It's the Fairy of Troupples, how fruitful. I wonder what he tastes like. Troupple Pond
Fairy of Following Troupple Acolyte Fairy of Following Oh! It's the Fairy of Following, how loyal! What an energetic supporter! Troupple Pond
Fairy of Physics Percy Fairy of Physics Oh! It's the Fairy of Physics, how calculating! And he's no slouch at romance, either! Explodatorium
Fairy of Research Mona Fairy of Research Oh! It's the Fairy of Research, how focused! What kind of trouble does she get into? Explodatorium
Fairy of Guardians Luan Fairy of Guardians Oh! It's the Fairy of Guardians, how fatherly! He looks a bit unkempt, though. Tower of Fate: Entrance
Fairy of Doting Mom Fairy of Doting Oh! It's the Fairy of Doting, how motherly! She'll look after you no matter what. Pridemoor Keep
Fairy of Kingship King Pridemoor Fairy of Kingship Oh! It's the Fairy of Kingship, how dignified! What a good role model! Pridemoor Keep
Fairy of Voyaging Cooper Fairy of Voyaging Oh! It's the Fairy of Voyaging, how cocky! His feathers sure don't ruffle easily. Pridemoor Keep
Fairy of Song Bard Fairy of Song Oh! It's the Fairy of Song, how melodic! It's hard to beat a hand-held music player. Pridemoor Keep
Fairy of ???? Fish Head Fairy of ???? Oh! It's the Fairy of ????, how bewildering! If you don't mind the mucus, he's cute! Village
Fairy of Exploration Adventurer Fairy of Exploration Oh! It's the Fairy of Exploration, how equine! He looks hungry for oats and adventure! Village
Fairy of Spinning Propeller Rat Fairy of Spinning Oh! It's the Fairy of Spinning, how apathetic! Does it mind floating around, or not? Plains
Fairy of Encroachment Fairy Fairy of Encroachment Oh! It's the Fairy of Encroachment, how meddlesome! Keep your distance if you want to keep your fingers. Plains
Fairy of Patrolling Beeto Fairy of Patrolling Oh! It's the Fairy of Patrolling, how repetitive! Back and forth, keeping it simple. Plains
Fairy of Angles Birder Fairy of Angles Oh! It's the Fairy of Angles, how directional! I'm not sure I can predict his path- can you? Plains
Fairy of Heft Sumo Goldarmor Fairy of Heft Oh! It's the Fairy of Heft, how stout! Nobody will be pushing


  • Initially, the devs wanted to make a Moon world, but due to time constraints, they opted for the Fairy Glade instead.[1][2]
  • If you repeatedly crouch, any fairies that are currently following you will also crouch.
  • If any one of the fairies is chosen, all Propeller Rats will have fairy-esque wings rather than a propeller pack. This effect also only lasts for as much time as you stay in your save file, and will be removed if you exit it. It will also be removed if you go to the Fairy Glade then exit to the map without picking a Fairy.
  • The Fairy sprites from the Fairy Glade are used in Showdown when the Fairy Wand item is used.
  • The Fairy Glade is referenced in Shovel Knight Dig, in the description of the Memento Fairy Nest. It also imply that, despite their different aspect, the Fairy enemies also originate from the Glade.


