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Follow Items are items for Shovel Knight to use in Shovel Knight Dig. They can for most be used only a single time but can also be lost.


There are two types of Follow Items:

  • Keys can be used to open up locked Treasure Chests, doors to side rooms and tunnels to stages and Relic challenge rooms.
  • Eggs can be hatched at a Nest to obtain a pet, determined by the type of Nest that was used.
  • Siege Bombs detonates after a countdown. They can be kicked around, reducing their countdown until picking them. Upon detonating, they create a blast taking a third of the screen, damaging anything like a normal Bomb would. They can break caved-in walls.

When Shovel Knight has more than one Follow Item of the same type, the first in line gets used in priority.


In general[]

Most Follow Item can be found in the Well either from Treasure Chests, dropped by defeated enemies, given out by NPCs in side rooms or simply lying around stages. When Shovel Knight gets hurt, the last Follow Item in line gets dropped. At first, Shovel Knight can only carry a single Follow Item. Two Follow Slot Upgrades can be bought from Hoofman's Shop to be able to hold up to three Follow Items.


  • Relic Keys can only be bought from Hoofman's Shop, at increasing prices the more Relics are unlocked.
  • The Skeleton Key can only be obtained from Shield Knight at the end of the second or third world after sacrificing an Accessory or Technique in each of the three stages.
  • The Siege Bombs only appear appear in the Grub Pit and the Magic Landfill, either laying around stages or given by Shield Knight at the beginning of one of these worlds.

List of all Accessories[]


Item Description Additional notes
Glass Key "Opens a lock. Single use. Breaks when dropped." Can also be destroyed if it falls on Spikes or gets into contact with flames or an explosion.
Wooden Key "Opens a lock. Single use. Keep it away from fire and spikes!" Can also be destroyed if it gets into contact with an explosion when lying around.
Metal Key "Opens a lock. Single use."
Relic Key "Opens a Relic Room lock." The first key costs Treasures 250. Once all 7 Relic Rooms are completed, Hoofman will no longer sell any Relic Keys.
Skeleton Key "Opens a lock. Reusable" Can be destroyed if it falls on Spikes. Gets back into Shovel Knight's inventory when used. Can open the triple locked door alone.
Knightmare Key "This key will release an evil spirit when it breaks" Exclusive to Knightmares. Has the same resistance as Glass Keys. The spirits released upon breaking the key deals 1 damage point, cannot be defeated but can be escaped by entering a different room.


Item Description Additional notes
Glass Egg "Find a nest to hatch this egg. Handle it carefully!" Can be destroyed if it falls on Spikes or gets into contact with flames or an explosion. Gets destroyed when dropped.
Egg "Find a nest to hatch this egg." Can be destroyed if it falls on Spikes or gets into contact with flames or an explosion. Can only be damaged 3 times in the inventory before it breaks.
Knightmare Egg "This egg will release an evil spirit when it breaks" Exclusive to Knightmares. Has the same resistance as Glass Eggs. The spirits released upon breaking the key deals 1 damage point, cannot be defeated but can be escaped by entering a different room.


Item Description Additional notes
Siege Bomb "A bomb so strong, it can break walls."