Shovel Knight Wiki

Oh, hello, my flightless friend! If you have an amiibo, I can transform it... into a fairy companion! Would you like me to summon some
fairy fun
for you?
Boopity boo!
What shall we do?

Madam Meeber, Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove

Madam Meeber is a character who first appeared in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, normally exclusive to the Nintendo game versions (Wii U, 3DS, and Nintendo Switch), appearing in all four campaigns. She also had an extended role in the King of Cards campaign regardless of the game's version, hidden in a secret location difficult to find.

Her main and most prominent ability, is that she can scan an amiibo and summon a Fairy companion, who will follow the protagonists throughout their campaigns.

Despite the fact that her Fairy companions are made available to summon in the Nintendo Switch version of Pocket Dungeon, Madam Meeber herself does not appear in said title; she instead was added to the Nintendo Switch version of Shovel Knight Dig on June 26, 2023 alongside the Fate and Fortune DLC.


Madam Meeber wears a long purple gown, a purple crown, and purple gloves. She holds a purple wand tipped with a yellow star. She has six fairy wings, and each one is tipped with a different color: red, light green, blue, teal, yellow, and pink; they are arranged in the same formation as the rays of the amiibo brand logo.



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Fairy Companions[]

Four different fairy companions can be summoned in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, later becoming five in Pocket Dungeon and Dig; each one represents a protagonist from one of the four main campaigns of Treasure Trove, and is unlocked by its respective amiibo:

  • The Fairy of Shovelry, tied to the Shovel Knight amiibo.
  • The Fairy of Alchemy, tied to the Plague Knight amiibo.
  • The Fairy of Torment, tied to the Specter Knight amiibo.
  • The Fairy of Royalty, tied to the King Knight amiibo.
  • The Gilded Fairy of Shovelry, who appeared for the first time in Pocket Dungeon but was named in Dig, is tied to the Golden Edition Shovel Knight amiibo.

Unlike the Fairy enemies, these fairies are harmless. They follow their knights and interact with the world around them in various ways, like trying to lift treasures, poking at enemies ineffectually, and mourning fallen knights.

Additionally, each fairy has extra unique interactions with the characters and the world around them. As an example, in Plague of Shadows, the Fairy of Alchemy in particular can get stuck inside Mona's Dynamo Decanter while she's processing an Essence.


In Plague of Shadows, Specter of Torment, and King of Cards, when scanning the associated amiibo, Madam Meeber will also tell you that the fairy comes with its own special set of armor. These costumes are strictly cosmetic, only changing the set of clothes the character is wearing, the dialogue portraits, and the sprites on the Valley map. Any protective Gear they are wearing will stack up on top of the costume, changing its proprieties according to the ones of the Gear. The costumes can be removed simply by asking Madam Meeber to do so. The fairy costumes are as follows:

  • The Boomtech set, for Plague Knight.
  • The Lich Lord set, for Specter Knight.
  • The Ultimate Supreme set, for King Knight.

These costumes can also be unlocked in Shovel Knight Showdown for them to wear simply by scanning the associated amiibo in the title screen.

Alongside the costumes listed above, there is a fourth costume set, the Baron set, for Shovel Knight to wear. Unlike the other three however, it is not tied to the Fairy of Shovelry or Madam Meeber, and can only be worn while playing as Custom Knight and after fully leveling it up. Said costume can however be unlocked for Shovel Knight to wear in Showdown in the exact same manner as the other costumes. Custom Knight also has access to two other costumes, the Body Swap Mode costume and the Fish Head costume, both of which are also available in Showdown.


In the Nintendo versions of each game, Madam Meeber appears in the corresponding hub zone, specifically in the following locations:


Shovel of Hope[]

In the Nintendo console versions of Shovel of Hope, Madam Meeber appears at the Village. She offers to summon any of the four available fairies if one of the corresponding amiibo is scanned.

Plague of Shadows[]

In the Nintendo console versions of Plague of Shadows, Madam Meeber appears at the Potionarium. She offers to summon any of the four available fairies if one of the corresponding amiibo is scanned. If the Plague Knight amiibo is scanned, she also offers the Boomtech Set for Plague Knight to wear if he so chooses.

Specter of Torment[]

In the Nintendo console versions of Specter of Torment, Madam Meeber appears at the Tower of Fate hub. She offers to summon any of the four available fairies if one of the corresponding amiibo is scanned. If the Specter Knight amiibo is scanned, she also offers the Lich Lord Set for Specter Knight to wear if he so chooses.

King of Cards[]

In the Nintendo console versions of King of Cards, Madam Meeber appears aboard the Glidewing. She offers to summon any of the four available fairies if one of the corresponding amiibo is scanned. If the King Knight amiibo is scanned, she also offers the Ultimate Supreme Set for King Knight to wear if he so chooses.

In all versions, Madam Meeber also appears in an hidden location known as the Fairy Glade. When talked to, she asks King Knight to pick his favorite fairy.

King Knight can then run around in the field to collect a fairy by using his normal attack button. Almost every character with a dialogue portrait has a Fairy version of themselves, including the Fairies of Shovelry, Alchemy, Torment, and Royalty. Upon returning to Meeber with a fairy in tow, she will ask King Knight if this is the fairy he wants, unless it is the Fairy of Royalty in which case she will prevent him from selecting it and ask him to find another fairy. If he says yes, she then begins a ceremony in which she crowns the selected fairy as "The Fairy King". King Knight frantically protests, complaining that he himself wants to be the Fairy King instead, and starts crying as Meeber continues to chant and praise the fairy. The scene is then revealed to be all a dream, with King Knight waking up in his room at The Homestead, confused about the whole ordeal.

After witnessing this scene, all Propeller Rats lose their propellers and instead gain orange fairy wings; these wings will disappear once the game is soft-resetted, needing to visit the Fairy Glade once again in order to make them re-appear. Amongst this, if the player hasn’t gone into King Knight's room yet, the Feat Get Out of My Room! is unlocked, furthermore giving King Knight access to the Mom and King Knight Joustus cards hidden nearby.

King Knight can also go back to the Fairy Glade and choose the same Fairy or a different one. The last Fairy chosen will be shown in the end credits as "Favorite Fairy!"


In the Nintendo Switch Version, Madam Meeber once again appears offering her services. She can Scan one of the compatible amiibo, then Summon their corresponding Fairy companion, the same from both Treasure Trove and Pocket Dungeon, whenever wanted, or Dismiss said companion when unwanted.

Like in Pocket Dungeon, the Gold Edition amiibo functionality is not identical to the normal Shovel Knight amiibo, as it will summon a golden fairy instead of the standard blue one, the Gilded Fairy of Shovelry.

When summoning, a complete list of the possible Fairy Companions will appear, with a series of "?" hiding the name of any fairy whose compatible amiibo has yet to be scanned, as well as a description indicating which amiibo is required to scan to unlock said fairies; however, to see this list, first at least one Fairy Companion must be made available, otherwise Madam Meeber will protest about being unable to do her job.

Cyber Shadow[]

The hidden "Mecha fairy" from Cyber Shadow, a game published by Yacht Club Games, heavily resemble Madam Meeber. It only appears in Nintendo Switch versions of the game, and its lines mirrors' Madam Meeber offering a different costume and a small companion, in this case, a flying robot modeled after the fairy companions. However, it has technically no associated feature, as scanning amiibo in the game, directly grants its associated bonuses.


Click to expand

When talked to "Madam Meeber: Oh, hello, my flightless friend! If you have an amiibo, I can transform it...into a fairy companion!
Would you like me to summon some
fairy fun
for you?
"Madam Meeber:
Boopity boo!
What shall we do?
Answering "Summon" before scanning any amiibo "Madam Meeber: Oh, but.. you haven't scanned an amiibo yet! I can't perform magic on nothing!"
Answering "Scan amiibo" "Madam Meeber: Alright, here we go. It's time to show me your finest amiibo...hold it steady, please!"
Scanning Shovel Knight amiibo "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Shovelry, that greedy little scamp!
Boopity boo!
Have fun, you two!
Scanning Plague Knight amiibo "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Alchemy, how curious!
Boopity boo!
Have fun, you two!
Scanning Specter Knight amiibo "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Torment, isn't he just so spooky?
Boopity boo!
Have fun, you two!
Scanning King Knight amiibo "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Royalty, how gloriously gilded!
Boopity boo!
Have fun, you two!
Scanning an amiibo in its dedicated campaign "Madam Meeber: Why it looks like this amiibo also has a new costume for you!
Would you like to wear it now?
Refusing to change costume "Madam Meeber: Well alright then. Don’t forget, you can always change your costume wherever you change your armor!"
Accepting to change costume "Madam Meeber: That's the spirit! Here you go!
Boopity boo!
Asking to change back to standard costume "Madam Meeber: Would you like to change back to your old look? Back to the way things were then!
Boopity boo!
Scanning an amiibo in a different campaign "Madam Meeber: It looks like this amiibo also has a new costume for [someone else / someone else / someone else]!
Well, if that [someone else / someone else / someone else] stopped by to visit me, I'll be sure to let them know.

Talked to in the Fairy Glade "Madam Meeber: You've found the Fairy Glade, my child! Fairies live here in the wild.
Now fetch your favorite fairy, see. It's crucial, so pick
Presenting her a fairy "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the [x].
Is this the one that's best to you? It's your decision,
boopity boo!

(See the next two tabs for the complete list of Fairies. The second part is changed for the Fairy of Royalty.)

Answering "Maybe another one..." "Madam Meeber: No rush, my
royal flush!
Choosing a fairy is a big to-do. Come back soon with you-know-who!
Answering "This is the one!" "Madam Meeber: Come out, come out, come feel the sun! The ceremony's just begun!
Now throw your hands aloft and sing! We hail our newest Fairy King!
"King Knight: What? No! No! I want to be the king! Not that flittering pest!
I'm the king!
"Madam Meeber: The Fairy King! The Fairy King!
Long live the Fairy King!
"Madam Meeber: The Fairy King! The Fairy King!
Long live the Fairy King!
"Madam Meeber: The Fairy King! The Fairy King!
Long live the Fairy King!
"Madam Meeber: The Fairy King! The Fairy King!
Long live the Fairy King!
"Madam Meeber: The Fairy King! The Fairy King!
Long live the Fairy King!
"Madam Meeber: The Fairy King! The Fairy King!
Long live the Fairy King!
"Madam Meeber: The Fairy King! The Fairy King!
Long live the Fairy King!

[King Knight awakens]

"King Knight: No!
I'm the Fairy King! I'm the Fairy King!

I'm the... the.. uh..... Fairy King. That dream..... huh.

Fairy of Shovelry "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Shovelry, how stalwart! That little scamp just never gives up."
Fairy of Alchemy "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Alchemy, how curious! Keep an eye on this maniacal mischief maker."
Fairy of Torment "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Torment, how spooky! Aren't you just a
lil' thing!
Fairy of Royalty "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Royalty, how gilded! He doesn't seem too kingly to me though...
Maybe you should pick another fairy.
Fairy of Fate "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Fate, how dark! this is a seriously scary fairy- watch out!"
Fairy of Protection "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Protection, how optimistic! She looks ready to tackle any quest!"
Fairy of Vigilence "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Vigilance, how rash! This one never seems to be on the right track..."
Fairy of Power "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Power, how forceful! He feels cold.. but is there a soft soul beneath that frost?"
Fairy of Toil "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Toil, how diligent! I bet he could dig up the whole garden!"
Fairy of Fancy "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Fancy, how adventurous! But his rotors feel a bit redundant, don't they?"
Fairy of Invention "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Invention, how logical! He's teeny enough to wrench a watch hand!"
Fairy of Fortune "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Fortune, how rich! What a lucky sight- he rarely flies above sea level, after all."
Fairy of Rejection "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Rejection, how foolhardy! But I'm sure he'll find his path, some day."
Fairy of Naiveté "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Naiveté, how gullible! But his heart is innocent and pure."
Fairy of Hats "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Hats, how fitting! I'm not sure I trust him!"
Fairy of Phantoms "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Phantoms, how striking! And he comes with a little napkin, too."
Fairy of Fairies "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Fairies, how recursive! I'm honored,
boopity boo!

Fairy of Grumpiness "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Grumpiness, how disappointing! Lighten up and laugh, little guy!"
Fairy of Wordplay "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Wordplay, how funny! His humor's an acquired taste, or so I've been toad."
Fairy of Troupples "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Troupples, how fruitful. I wonder what he tastes like."
Fairy of Following "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Following, how loyal! What an energetic supporter!"
Fairy of Physics "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Physics, how calculating! And he's no slouch at romance, either!"
Fairy of Research "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Research, how focused! What kind of trouble does she get into?"
Fairy of Guardians "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Guardians, how fatherly! He looks a bit unkempt, though."
Fairy of Doting "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Doting, how motherly! She'll look after you no matter what."
Fairy of Kingship "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Kingship, how dignified! What a good role model!"
Fairy of Voyaging "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Voyaging, how cocky! His feathers sure don't ruffle easily."
Fairy of Song "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Song, how melodic! It's hard to beat a hand-held music player."
Fairy of ???? "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of ????, how bewildering! If you don't mind the mucus, he's cute!"
Fairy of Exploration "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Exploration, how equine! He looks hungry for oats and adventure!"
Fairy of Spinning "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Spinning, how apathetic! Does it mind floating around, or not?"
Fairy of Encroachment "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Encroachment, how meddlesome! Keep your distance if you want to keep your fingers."
Fairy of Patrolling "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Patrolling, how repetitive! Back and forth, keeping it simple."
Fairy of Angles "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Angles, how directional! I'm not sure I can predict his path- can you?"
Fairy of Heft "Madam Meeber: Oh! It's the Fairy of Heft, how stout! Nobody will be pushing

When talked to "Madam Meeber: Oh, hello, my flightless friend! If you have an amiibo, I can transform it...into a fairy companion!
Would you like me to summon some
fairy fun
for you?
"Madam Meeber:
Boopity boo!
What shall we do?
Answering "Summon" before scanning any amiibo "Madam Meeber: Oh, but.. you haven't scanned an amiibo yet! I can't perform magic on nothing!"
Answering "Scan amiibo" "Madam Meeber: Alright, here we go. It's time to show me your finest amiibo...hold it steady, please!"
Summoning the Gilded Fairy of Shovelry "Madam Meeber: This greedy fairy is adorable, stalwart, and most importantly - golden!"
Summoning the Fairy of Shovelry "Madam Meeber: This greedy fairy is both adorable and stalwart!"
Summoning the Fairy of Alchemy "Madam Meeber: An ever-inquisitive but shy fairy! And so cute!"
Summoning the Fairy of Torment "Madam Meeber: Mischievous and quite scary... for a fairy. I'm sure there's a good heart in there!"
Summoning the Fairy of Royalty "Madam Meeber: A shining beacon to fairies everywhere. I wonder... what does this one rule over exactly?"


  • Her sprite model is named "Fairy Grandmother".
  • Parts of Madam Meeber's design are inspired by the amiibo logo, such as the colors of her wings and on her bosom. Her name is a pun on the word "amiibo" pronunciation, particularly "Ma'am Meeber".
  • In Specter of Torment, performing the Cold Shoulder with the Fairy of Shovelry equipped will cause it to pose with Specter Knight if it isn't preoccupied.
  • While wearing the Boomtech set, Plague Knight has to do a completely different pose while entering the revolving wall in Pridemoor Keep.
  • The Fairy sprites from the Fairy Glade re-appear in Showdown, whenever the Fairy Wand item is used.


Treasure Trove[]

Cyber Shadow[]

See Also[]


Shovel of Hope Characters
Main Characters: Shovel KnightShield KnightBlack KnightThe Enchantress
The Order of No Quarter: King KnightSpecter KnightPlague KnightTreasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
The Wandering Travelers: ReizeBazMr. HatPhantom Striker
Guest Characters: KratosBattletoadsMadam MeeberPassmaster
Village: FarrelsBardMollyGoaticianGoatarmorerGastronomerMagicistJuice MaidDancerDeposed KingGrandma SwampMonaCroakerChesterTroupple AcolyteHoop KidPlaying KidHedge FarmerWater CarrierGrizzled Seer
Armor Outpost: WallaceToaderFishermanMary SweetsLeoPeacock GentDollyArmorerShovel SmithYopplerAirship EnthusiastScholarFish Head
Wandering NPCs: KnightsLady KnightsAdventurersFishermenBag FellowsMaidensDeer LadiesGatherersVillagers
Relic Stages NPCs: VillagerAdventurerGrizzled Seer
Hall of Champions: TicketerCultured FellowPatronThe Big Creep
Troupple Pond and sparkling pits: Troupple KingTroupples
Mini-Bosses: TeethalonThe Dinghy DropperThe Alchemeister
Final Boss: Remnant of Fate
Plague of Shadows Characters
Main Characters: Plague KnightMonaPercyBlack KnightShovel KnightThe Enchantress
The Order of No Quarter: King KnightSpecter KnightTreasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
The Wandering Travelers: ReizeBazMr. HatPhantom Striker
Guest Characters: Madam Meeber
Village: Farrels
Team Plague: MagicistHedge PupilMail Minion (Grandma Swamp) • OolongPlague Minions
Armor Outpost: ChesterTroupple AcolyteAirship Enthusiast
Hall of Champions: Head GuardCultured FellowPatron
Troupple Pond: Troupple KingTroupples
Mini-Bosses: TeethalonThe Dinghy DropperThe Alchemeister
Final Bosses: Plague of ShadowsCorrupted Essence
Cameo/Ending Only NPCs: BardMollyDollyLeoPeacock GentMary SweetsToaderFishermanWallaceYopplerGrizzled SeerWater CarrierHedge FarmerGastronomerCroakerDeposed KingTroupple AcolyteDeer LadiesLady KnightsBag FellowsFishermenGatherersVillagersKnightsMaidensAdventurers
Specter of Torment Characters
Main Characters: Specter KnightShield KnightLuanReizeDark ReizeBlack Knight (Terrorpin) • The Enchantress
Order Recruits: King KnightPhantom StrikerPlague KnightTreasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
Guest Characters: Madam Meeber
Tower of Fate: RedMannyMissyDark AcolyteCreechLegionScrying GlassMemmecDragon Goldarmor'Edge FarmerHoraceScarletDancerGallBazBoneclangGoldarmorBirderRail RiderPlague MinionSpecter Knight impersonator
Wandering Minions: WizzemsBoneclangsGoldarmorsLiquid SamuraisHoppiclesesPlague MinionsHover MeanieHoverhaftGhostTundreadRail RiderGulper MageCogslotter
The Lich Yard: Super Skeleton
Mini-Bosses: TeethalonThe Dinghy DropperThe AlchemeisterHurlsvelgr
Final Boss: Nightmare Reize
Ending Only NPCs: Deposed KingTroupple KingVillagerGrizzled SeerPatronLady KnightAirship EnthusiastMonaMr. HatPeacock GentLeoDollyMaidenToaderFishermanWallaceKnightsFarrelsHedge FarmerHedge Pupil
Beeto's Big Break: Adventurer
King of Cards Characters
Main Characters: King KnightMomKing PridemoorTroupple KingKing BirderSpecter KnightThe Enchantress
Glidewing: DoeCooperBardCardiaGouacheHengineerLedge FarmerVicar of VigorGrandma Swamp
Glidewing Recruits: Hedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusSkipBartonTroupple AcolytesTMK-500Mr. Hat
The Wandering Travelers: Phantom StrikerBazPlague Knight (Percy) • Treasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
House of Joustus: RookieHoop KidPlaying KidGoaticianJuice MaidCroakerRuffianBlack Knight (Terrorpin) • KnightsGathererGrizzled Seers
Cavern of Joustus: VisitorCloaked Figure (Wandering) • ArmorerShovel SmithMole MinionBlorb/BlazorbToaderMona
Crag of Joustus: Old LadyLeoCogslotterHover MeanieCroakerToaderSpinwulvesYopplerOolongPlague MinionCloaked Figure (Wandering)
Tower of Joustus: MissyLiquid SamuraiWizzemRedHorace
Joustus houses/Glidewing: Chester
Wandering NPCs: Old LadiesCard PlayersBag FellowsVisitorsRookiesAdventurersGamblersLady KnightsPlague MinionsLunksWizzemsHoppiclesesCogslottersHover MeaniesTundreadsHoverhaftsRail RidersGhostsGoldarmorsGulper MagesBoneclangsLiquid Samurais
Chest Stage NPCs: Hedge FarmerFarrelsGrizzled SeerGastronomerSnow MaidenBag Fellow
Eerie Manor: The Big Creep
Void Crater: DollyHorzio
Fairy Glade: Madam Meeber
Mini-Bosses: Mole MinionTeethalon
Final Boss: The Grand Triumvirate
Background/Ending Only NPCs: The AlchemeisterWhippiclesesPeacock GentTicketerCultured FellowsPatronsMagicistShovel Knight