Shovel Knight Wiki

I'm trapped here just the same! Someone's tampered with the magic mirror!

Specter Knight, Shovel Knight Showdown

The Mirror of Fate, also known as Magic Mirror, is a powerful searching and teleporting artifact introduced in Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment. It serves as the main antagonist and final boss of the Story Mode of Shovel Knight Showdown.


Initially, the Mirror of Fate is simply a giant magical mirror mounted to the wall. After being modified by Specter Knight's friends, it is outfitted with several green tubes connected to machinery around the room. When first encountered in the Mirror Chamber, the Mirror of Fate destroys these tubes, revealing its true form. In this state, it has eight small crystal eyes at the top, two hands at its sides, and two huge horns resembling the ones that the Remnant of Fate has.

When its first phase is beaten, the Mirror of Fate becomes enraged and takes on an even more monstrous form, growing teeth around the mirror's glass while its hands become larger and appear to be pulling the "mouth" open. One of the Mirror of Fate's eyes becomes much larger and now has a narrow slit pupil, and its horns become more jagged.


Specter of Torment[]

In Specter of Torment, The Enchantress makes use of the Magic Mirror to locate knight candidates for her future Order of No Quarter. She entrusts her Dark Acolyte to operate the mirror and warp Specter Knight wherever the dark artifact locates a new recruit. Later on, she replaces him with Dark Reize, since the dark ruler judges her acolyte too cowardly.

In the ending, the Mirror of Fate is destroyed when Specter Knight shatters its physical form while carrying an unconscious Reize


In Shovel Knight Showdown, once Specter Knight learned of the true identity of The Enchantress, he furiously rushes to confront her. His allies, Missy, Horace, the Dark Acolyte, Manny, and Red, decide to rebel against the dark witch and help their friend, so they come up with the plan to entrap The Enchantress within the magic mirror. Together, they quickly modify the mirror, adding mechanical parts and additional magic. But the job is rushed, and when the mirror is first reactivated, it springs to life, capturing various individuals across time and space and placing Specter Knight's friends inside smaller mirrors closely guarded by the Mirror of Fate itself.

The Mirror of Fate's other victims, Shovel Knight, Plague Knight, Specter Knight, King Knight, Treasure Knight, Mole Knight, Propeller Knight, Tinker Knight, Polar Knight, Black Knight, Mona, Shield Knight, Reize, Baz, Mr. Hat, Phantom Striker, Dark Reize, Percy, a Goldarmor, a Liquid Samurai, and even The Enchantress herself, end up locked inside the Mirror itself into a pocket dimension full of illusions of real locations, destined to battle shadowy copies of themselves and other people, only occasionally meeting one of their fellow captives.

Eventually, after traveling the illusory dimension, each one of them reach a separate version of the Mirror of Fate in its corrupted state. After shattering it, they are expelled into the real world in the exact same moment and place they were captured. 


Phase 1[]

In this phase, the player(s) must collect 15 gems before the Mirror of Fate does to win. As gems continue to spawn around the room, the Mirror of Fate attacks by shooting dark magic bolts in various patterns. If any of these bolts touch a gem, the gem is transformed into a bomb. While attacking, the Mirror of Fate cycles through a series of patterns of bolts, always in the same order:

  • First, it fires a few bolts that fly in a looping pattern towards the player's general direction.
  • Then it shoots several small streams of bolts directly at the player.
  • Next, it shoots some larger bolts that home in on the player.
  • Finally, it shoots a few volleys of tiny bolts at the player. The cycle restarts after this pattern is used.

Aside from these attacks, the Mirror of Fate can also sometimes summon shadowy clones of any one of the playable characters; these clones behave the same way as their real counterparts but only have two hit points. The Mirror of Fate can also encase gems in bubbles and try to eat them, but this can be prevented by breaking bubbles to free the gems. The bubbles have two hit points.

Phase 2[]

After the player(s) successfully collect 15 gems, the Mirror of Fate mutates into its final form and must be destroyed directly. During this part of the battle, it constantly flies back and forth around the room and must be damaged by attacking its big eye, all while the floor is broken up into several moving platforms suspended above a pit of lava.

In this phase, the Mirror of Fate can attack by shooting magic bolts from its eyes and launching lots of small bombs from its "mouth". Sometimes, it will try to eat the player by encasing them in a bubble and pulling them towards its "mouth"; if the Mirror of Fate succeeds, the player will be eaten and lose a life. To avoid this, the player must perform an attack of any kind to break free; upon doing so, the Mirror of Fate will retaliate by firing a few rapid streams of magic bolts from its big eye. Once again, the Mirror of Fate can also create clones of the playable characters, but during this phase it can also turn some of the tiles in the room into deadly projectiles that fly at the player while the clone is alive.


  • The Mirror of Fate appears in one of the portraits of the treasure vault, Drill Knight's boss room in Shovel Knight Dig, although it cannot be seen in-game due to it being cut off.


Showdown Characters
Playable Characters: Shovel Knight (Fish Head) • Shield KnightBlack KnightThe EnchantressPlague KnightSpecter Knight (Donovan) • King KnightTinker KnightMole KnightTreasure KnightPolar KnightPropeller KnightReizeBazPhantom StrikerMr. HatMonaDark ReizeLiquid SamuraiGoldarmor (Dragon Goldarmor) • Random Knight
Chester's Choice: Chester
Glidewing Crew: CooperBardDoeHengineerVicar of VigorMomKing PridemoorTroupple AcolyteHedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusBartonSkipTroupple MissionaryTMK-500
Village - Town Center: Water CarrierFarrelsYoppler
Village - House of Joustus: Lady KnightsLunksOld LadiesAdventurersGamblersCard PlayersRookiesVisitors
Troupple Grotto - Royal Pond: Troupple KingTroupples
Troupple Grotto - Axolongl Cave: Axolongls
Tower of Fate - Mirror Chamber: Dark AcolyteMissyRedMannyHorace
Colosseum - Percy's Targets: PercyBeetos
Final Boss: Mirror of Fate