Shovel Knight Wiki

Ahhh, hats, my greatest passion. Nothing I enjoy more than the crisp snap of a well-tailored brim.

Mr. Hat, Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope

Mr. Hat is one of the Wandering Travelers in the world of Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. This character was created by Alexander "Hatman" Hatzikides as a Director for a Day.[1] He runs the Fancy Shop at the Armor Outpost and specializes in hats.

Official Bio[]

Mr. Hat is obsessed with hats, but for good reason! For although he wears a helmet, each hat that he places atop his head gives him the powers of that hat’s owner! Mr. Hat can switch from a charismatic foppish dandy to military genius in a moment, and he takes great pride in his varied fighting styles. Lately, though, there have been rumblings of an even greater warrior who wields a Shovel Blade; one with a wonderfully blue, horned helmet...


Mr. Hat is a sophisticated man, wearing a large gray and brown trench coat, brown trousers, and brown shoes. He wears a golden helmet, hiding his face, and carries a wooden cane with a red jewel at the tip. When fighting, he puts a hat on his head, with each type of hat defining his fighting style. He then uses his cane either to displace himself or as a sword. His artwork depicts him wielding his sword and cane separately, but his in-game sprite shows him turning his cane into a sword instead.

During battle, Mr. Hat switches between two hats:

  • When using his cane and tea set attacks, he wears a red chaperon hat with a feather in it.
  • When using his sword and javelin attacks, he wears a pickelhaube emblazoned with a gold badge.

He also wears these additional hats in specific games:

  • A crown that lets him use an Excalibur-like sword in King of Cards and parry in Showdown.
  • A Goldarmor helmet that gives him a sword and shield in his ending in Showdown.
  • A shiny white magician's top hat that lets him summon enemies in the Puzzler's Pack DLC.
  • A gray newsie cap when he refuses entry to his shop in the Puzzler's Pack DLC.

In Plague of Shadows, Plague Knight refers to Mr. Hat as an "old man", suggesting Mr. Hat may be old in appearance underneath his outfit.



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The Baz[]

There are only two things that truly anger me. One is going hatless. The other....
is being stolen from!

Mr. Hat, Shovel Knight Showdown

After Mr. Hat's Fancy Shop falls into the Armor Outpost, Baz manages to steal his armor from the establishment and get away with it, until both are trapped in the Mirror of Fate and fight. In the end, Baz pays by cleaning the shop's floor until his debt is settled.


come give me a closer look, my gilded guardsmen. You wouldn't deny me a glimpse of such heady gear, would you?

Mr. Hat, Shovel Knight Showdown

Mr. Hat is wanted by the guardsmen of the Pridemoor Kingdom for pilfering hats, and there are many "Wanted" posters of him in the Village. After being trapped in the Mirror of Fate alongside some Goldarmors, Mr. Hat steals a helmet from one of those to add to his collection, not worrying about his criminal record.


Shovel of Hope[]

In Shovel of Hope, Mr. Hat is tending to his shop. However, as more hats are getting bought, thanks to Shovel Knight's generous donations to the otherwise penniless customers of the shop, he starts obsessing on refilling his stock. With the last customer gone, he addresses Shovel Knight about his helmet, and explains that each hat grants him the power of its previous owner. He then engages Shovel Knight in combat to take his helmet.

Mr. Hat finally regains his senses after his defeat, but still obsesses about Shovel Knight's hat. He leaves the shop after the knight makes him remark it is a helmet. Immediately after defeating Mr. Hat, he can be chased around the Armor Outpost, giving Treasures icon 1000 each time he is spoken to otherwise, if the Outpost is left, he will immediately disappear. First he appears on top of the sign to his own shop, then he appears in the Aerial Anvil, the airship docked above the town. If the second wave of the Order of No Quarter has already been defeated, he can be found a third and last time, by the catapult located on top of the Aerial Anvil, resulting in retrieving the total Treasures icon 3000 initially paid to the mooching customers. Mr. Hat eventually grows unnerved after being found the third time, and leaves the Outpost by launching himself from the catapult while laughing maniacally.

Mr. Hat, alongside the other Wandering Travelers, is seen during the credits, working with the others to fend off a swarm of Liquid Samurai.

Plague of Shadows[]

In Plague of Shadows, Mr. Hat doesn't leave his shop after Plague Knight's attack on the Armor Outpost. He first feels insulted when the knight asks if he crafts hoods, which the salesman considers inferior to true hats, then, enraged by Plague Knight's belittling of hats, He engages him in combat.

After the fight, Mr. Hat explains how his power comes from the hats he wears. Plague Knight is impressed and wants to buy his hats, but he explains how the powers only work on himself. He then leaves the shop with no grudge towards Plague Knight.

Once again, Mr. Hat is shown with the other Wandering Travelers during the credits in their fight with the Liquid Samurai swarm, only this time Shovel Knight shows up to help, and Baz sports his new Plague Minion attire.

Specter of Torment[]

In Specter of Torment, Mr. Hat appears briefly in the ending, when the army of The Enchantress attacks the Armor Outpost. He flees from his fancy shop during the attack.

King of Cards[]

In King of Cards, it's revealed that Mr. Hat's shop was originally further up in the mountainous region of the Valley; his shop, known as the Fancy Shop, can be found in the Birder Kingdom. When spoken to in this location, Mr. Hat offers upgrades for King Knight that are so ludicrously expensive, they go over the gold limit and cannot be bought; thus, the only option for King Knight is to leave the shop and exit the level. However, as King Knight makes his way to the rat rope ring, Mr. Hat stalks King Knight and repeatedly asks him to come back and buy something. Finally, once King Knight tries to leave on the rat rope, the enraged Mr. Hat cuts the rope, preventing King Knight from leaving, and demands that he give up his "hat." He then engages in combat to take King Knight's crown, but is beaten. After his defeat, Mr. Hat explains that he tends to go crazy due to cabin fever since his shop is in such an isolated location where hardly anyone stops by. He then begs King Knight to let him on the Glidewing, and King Knight agrees after Mr. Hat also offers to fix the rat rope. Afterwards, the duo uses the rope to pull Mr. Hat's shop up and attach it to the Glidewing, after which Mr. Hat expresses his gratitude and lowers all his prices.

Mr. Hat initially has three upgrades available for purchase: the Display Overhaul, a Silver Plating for the Glidewing, and a Gilded Deck finish for the Joustus Deck. A fourth upgrade, the Gold Plating for the airship, becomes available after the Silver Plating is bought, and a secret upgrade, the Family Portrait, becomes available once King Knight accumulates Treasures icon 99999 (only in New Game Plus).

In the ending sequence, when the Glidewing is attacked by The Enchantress, Mr. Hat's shop is knocked off of the Glidewing, causing it to fall and land in the Armor Outpost, where several new customers including Baz show up to browse the shop, with the latter in particular being seen taking certain interest in an edgy-looking set of armor (which he would later wear as his signature outfit). Alternatively, if King Knight never recruited Mr. Hat, the merchant becomes so fed up with the lack of customers in the Void Crater that he manually drags his entire shop by himself to the Armor Outpost.


In Shovel Knight Showdown, Mr. Hat is one of the numerous unfortunate souls who were kidnapped by the haywire Mirror of Fate.

Not particularly caring about his situation, Mr. Hat sets his sight on two goals - find new hats and new customers. He then encounters a Goldarmor, likewise trapped like him, who wants to arrest him due to his hat-pilfering activities, but Mr. Hat, delighted that someone recognized him, becomes instead enamored with Goldarmor's helmet and tries to steal it, resulting into a fight. They later encounter each other again, with the situation still the same, only now the Goldarmor is alone to battle Mr. Hat. After the Mirror is destroyed, Mr. Hat is seen in the back of his shop, having successfully taken the Goldarmor's helmet. He puts it on and tries its power. He is delighted and starts to think about how to further expand his collection.

While inside the Mirror, Mr. Hat also encounters the trapped Baz, and things turn sour quickly as the salesman recognizes him from the armor he is wearing, as Baz took it from his shop without paying, resulting into a scuffle between the two. Later they encounter each other again, with Mr. Hat offering mercy and a job for Baz if he repays his debt to him, with Baz refusing, since he is unwilling to work for "the man", and attacks. After the Mirror is destroyed and everyone is freed from it, Baz is seen inside Mr. Hat's shop, having finally accepted Mr. Hat's offer and having been put on sweeping the floor duty, eventually repaying his debt with the merchant; Mr. Hat seemingly have also hired a Rookie as a store clerk for his shop.

Pocket Dungeon[]

Mr. Hat makes a reappearance in the Puzzler's Pack DLC of Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon where, seeing an opportunity for business, he has opened a shop inside the confounded puzzle box at Castle Quandary. Once certain Quandaries are completed, Mr. Hat will begin to sell Hats that grants the same modifiers of the challenges while they are equipped, making it possible to continue to experience said changes even during a regular or endless Dungeon Run.

Furthermore, after equipping 1 Hat, each additional Hat stacked on increases by 5% the odds of Mr. Hat showing up in a side-room for an optional boss battle, with a Relic as reward. While the stacked Hats are visible in the adventure hubs, a game option (turned off by default) hides them during runs. Mr. Hat has different comments for when the Hats are visible or not during his boss battle.


These are the upgrades that can be bought from Mr. Hat in King of Cards (the prices shown here are the prices he charges after his shop has been added to the Glidewing).

Upgrade Cost Description
Display Overhaul Treasures icon 10000 Give your interface some regal flair! The very height of your status.
Silver Plating Treasures icon 10000 A professional design refits the Glidewing to better suit you!
Gold Plating Treasures icon 20000 An even more professional design refits the Glidewing to more perfectly suit you!
Gilded Deck Treasures icon 10000 Your Joustus cards will receive fancier backs. The fronts change a little, too!
Family Portrait Treasures icon 99999 A lovely painting fit for hanging above the hearth! Modest, but it has great sentimental value. (New Game Plus only)


Shovel of Hope and Plague of Shadows[]

During his battle, Mr. Hat switches between two different hats that allow him to use different fighting styles. He starts the battle with a warrior's helmet, which has him run up to the player and use melee attacks with his cane-sword. He'll then throw some more swords in the air and have them fall to the ground, and then try to strike the player with his sword again. If Mr. Hat's sword strikes any of the other swords stuck in the ground, they'll get knocked upward and then fly straight ahead in the player's direction, ultimately flying off the screen. After this, Mr. Hat switches out his warrior helmet for a feathered beret, which allows him to bounce around on his cane and leap into the air, flinging plates at the player as he slowly descends to the ground. Then, he'll throw some teacups at the player and bounce around some more, before switching back to the warrior helmet and restarting the cycle.

King of Cards[]

In King of Cards, however, Mr. Hat has a second phase that he initiates when he's low on health. In this phase, he puts on a crown and pulls out a giant golden sword. He also regains all health. Aside from using this sword to deliver melee attacks, Mr. Hat can also attack by jumping off the walls of the room and then slamming down, creating sparks that roll a short distance across the ground before disappearing. Sometimes, Mr. Hat will go off-screen and return riding a horse carriage, trying to ram King Knight with it. After hitting the carriage three times, Mr. Hat gets knocked off and resumes his normal attack patterns. Once he loses half his health in this phase, Mr. Hat rolls out a red carpet which enhances some of his attacks; when he ground pounds on the carpet, it sends ripples that travel across the entire screen, and his horse carriage also sends ripples across the carpet when turning around.


Treasure Trove[]

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In the Fancy Shop, all customers present "Mr. Hat: Ahhh, hats, my greatest passion. Nothing I enjoy more than the crisp snap of a well-tailored brim."
In the Fancy Shop, 2 customers left "Mr. Hat:
Heh heh
, running out of customers, one by one. The hats are going. How shall I restock?
In the Fancy Shop, 1 customer left "Mr. Hat: J-Just one more customer. Then there's no more hats. No more hats. M-Must get more. More hats."
In the Fancy Shop, no customer left "Mr. Hat: Argh! My precious hats! That's a lovely helmet, so lovely. So lovely!"
"Shovel Knight: I must inquire, sir, about your curious collection."
"Mr. Hat: Travel the land far and wide, I do -- searching, learning, teaching, collecting! All shapes! All sizes! Hats! Each one I wear grants me a new power. And your hat looks powerful indeed!"
"Shovel Knight: Intriguing, but ... I am rather attached to my helmet."
"Mr. Hat: Yes, yes... about that...
Heh heh heh!
After his fight "Mr. Hat: Enough! I know not what came over me! My hunger for hats took control! Your.. beautiful hat.."
"Shovel Knight: It's a helmet."
"Mr. Hat: Right-o! I knew that! Wear it in good health! For now!"
"Shovel Knight: ....."
"Mr. Hat: ..... Right, well, off I go then!"
Chasing him once "Mr. Hat: Oh bother...You found me. I'm so embarrassed! I promise I'll pester you no longer! Here's some gold for all the trouble."
Chasing him twice "Mr. Hat:
You can't be serious! How did you find me again? You're following me everywhere! OK, OK! I won't come back. Just take some more of my gold and leave me to my hats!
Chasing a third time "Mr. Hat:
Do you think your aggression is teaching me a lesson about my fancy hat obsession? I suppose I'm about to leave an impression! You'll never see me again... or will you?!

In the Fancy Shop, when talked to "Mr. Hat: Ah! So you're the one who's scaring off all my customers! It's enough to make a haberdasher flip his lid!"
"Plague Knight: Hee hee, do you do hoods? I could use a blast-proof lining on mine!"
"Mr. Hat:
You miscreant!
That's not even a proper hat! No structure, no support! No...
"Plague Knight: Hats are a waste of felt, old man! They fall off in the wind! Hoods are objectively more utilitarian!"
"Mr. Hat: How... how
you, sirrah! I demand satisfaction!
Have at you!
After his fight "Plague Knight: Hee, wow, for a geezer, you sure put up a fight! How'd you get all those moves?"
"Mr. Hat: Ah, well, my hats aren't just fashion accessories. Each one bestows great powers upon me!"
"Plague Knight: ... Whoa, power? I'll take ten of your finest hats, then!"
"Mr. Hat: Sadly, the powers are unique to yours truly. They'd only make you
powerful... and classy!
"Plague Knight: Oh, blast! Well, hee hee, uh, see you later, then!"
"Mr. Hat: ... Indeed!!"

Talked to in the Fancy Shop "Mr. Hat: Oh! A gold-clad guest, with a platinum panache! How lovely! Welcome to my fancy shop!
I sell only the fanciest fashions. Clearly, you're in the right place. Look at that hat! It's positively
"King Knight: This is a crown, not a hat. Do you know what that makes me?"
"Mr. Hat: Delightfully modest?
A peek at my noblest wares, mayhaps?
Refusing to look at Mr. Hat's wares "Mr. Hat: ...Sir...
Wouldn't you like to see my wares, if only once?
Leaving the shop without talking to Mr. Hat "Mr. Hat: Hello, sir? with the resplendent golden hat! You there! Please, have a look!"
Mr. Hat chasing King Knight once "Mr. Hat: Sir.. I implore you to make a purchase!"
Mr. Hat chasing King Knight twice "Mr. Hat: Is there nothing that suits you? Come back..
I was looking foward to trying on a ne
w hat!
Mr. Hat cutting King Knight's rope "Mr. Hat: End of the line, you tight-fisted curmudgeon!
I'll have your hat, if it's the last thing I do!
After his fight "Mr. Hat: Enough! I know not what came over me! Your hat...I can't look away! It shines and glimmers maddeningly!
...Just a bit of cabin fever, really. It's hard to make a friend or a sale in such a remote location!
"King Knight: Well, that's all very interesting, but I had better get going."
"Mr. Hat: I'd do
for passage on your airship, to escape this dead location! Here, let me mend your rope!

[Mr. Hat fixes the rope]

"Mr. Hat: Here I am, hat in hand! With a new locale, my fancy shop is about to move on, and up!"
"King Knight: Fine, fine, get on with it! Let's go! You're starting to give me a crown-ache!"

Mr. Hat boards the Glidewing "Mr. Hat: All my thanks for this new location! It simply gleams with rustic potential.
As for appointments,
fancy enough not to need one! And I've lowered my prices, just for you.

First time talked to aboard the Glidewing "Mr. Hat: Welcome to the grand galley gallery gala! The whole shop's discounted, but my exhibition is a limited edition!
My impractical wares make everything fancy! Ready to be dazzled?
Talked to again "Mr. Hat: My fancy collection is impractical, implausible... irreplaceable. The paramount of luxury.
Care to browse, and see what speaks to you?
Purchasing the Family Portrait (New Game Plus) "Mr. Hat: I'll have this fragile furnishing delivered to your home posthaste! It might arrive before you even get there!"

Third fight in Baz's story mode "Baz: Heyyyy, rockin' that helmet, bud. I'm lovin' it. You wouldn't happen to know if this place has an exit...?"
"Mr. Hat: Hello, hello! Oh, no hat! Shame, shame indeed. Ahhh, but wait a moment. I know you.
I fitted you for the armor you're wearing now. Yes, yes, you were in my shop. You didn't pay.
"Baz: Uh oh..
Look, I was counting on a signing bonus with The Order, but uh..... It's complicated.
"Mr. Hat: There are only two things that truly anger me. One is going hatless. The other....
is being stolen from!
Ninth fight in Baz's story mode "Mr. Hat: Hark! Whip man! I am prepared to offer you mercy, and a job in my Fancy Shop to repay your debt.
We need only destroy the mirror that binds us here in endless battle! What do you say.... friend?
"Baz: Haw! You think the Baz is gonna work in some stinky ol' hat store? You're outta your mind!
I don't wear aprons or sweep floors, 'specially for
the man.
I punch faces, not clocks.
And, just sayin, I'm pretty sure after I'm done with you, you won't even remember my debt!
Victory speeches "Mr. Hat: Enough! I know not what came over me! My hunger for hats took control! Your.. beautiful hat.."
"Mr. Hat:
Ooh hoo hoo!
Your hat will make a fine addition to my collection. Now give it here!
"Mr. Hat: Is there really nothing in my Fancy Shop that interests you? You must buy something... I
"Mr. Hat: Battle's all done! Time for a soft sit and a hot sip! Now... where did i put my coffee bag?"


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Before opening shop "Mr. Hat:
Greetings there!
But, oh my,
excuse me. My shop isn't open for business just yet.
Entering his shop "Mr. Hat: Welcome, welcome! Please do take a gander at my selection. Surely something catches your eye?"
Not enough gems to buy a hat "Mr. Hat: Alas, not enough Gems! I must insist on payment."
Returning to his shop without any hat bought "Mr. Hat: A pleasure to see you again! No rush, take your time perusing my wares."
Entering his shop with a knight having a statue "Mr. Hat: Aha, it's you! I spied your
statue in the garden. Quite the grand sight!

Please, take all the time you need. My hats are ever at your service.

Talked to (cycling) "Mr. Hat: Please, take all the time you need. My hats are ever at your service."
"Mr. Hat: I've prepared a wardrobe for your convenience. Stash your hats there, and they'll be well taken care of."
"Mr. Hat:
I beg your pardon.
My apologies, have I been discourteous?
Buying a hat "Mr. Hat: A fine purchase indeed! Swiftly head to the wardrobe and try on your new hat!"
Refreshing displayed hats "Mr. Hat: Ho, ho! A big spender in our midst. Fear not, I have more hats aplenty!
Take a look!
Buying all hats "Mr. Hat: Oh, my apologies. It seems I am out of hats for the time being.
Until next time!
Equipping 1 hat "Mr. Hat: An excellent choice of hat, if I do say so myself!"
Equipping 2 hats at once "Mr. Hat: Two hats at once?
Oh my.
Please be gentle with them. They're delicate!
Equipping more than 2 hats at once, low chaos "Mr. Hat: I must implore you to be cautious when wearing so many hats at once.
Do be careful, dear customer.
Equipping more than 2 hats at once, high chaos "Mr. Hat:
My hats!!
Are you out of your mind!?

Before his fight (hats visible) "Mr. Hat: That's far too many hats for one person to handle.
Please, relinquish them to me.
Before his fight (hats not visible) "Mr. Hat: That's far too many hats you're carrying around, my friend.
How dare you!
You're not even wearing them!
After his defeat (hats visible) "Mr. Hat: Oh dear, forgive me. I do not know what came over me. To wear multiple hats with such elegance! I am in awe.
I shall take my leave now...
until next time...
After his defeat (hats not visible) "Mr. Hat: To defeat me without wearing any hats? A true testament to your skill, indeed!
I shall take my leave now...
until next time...


  • His sprite model is named "Hat Knight".
  • Mr. Hat is the only member of the Wandering Travelers not fought as an encounter on the map.
  • Mr. Hat, Phantom Striker, and Propeller Knight are the only main characters in Shovel Knight to use a sword as a weapon.
  • Interestingly, in Plague of Shadows, one of the Plague Minions that roam the now conquered Armor Outpost will mention something about removing the blast-proof lining on their hood, while on the other hand, Plague Knight himself asks Mr. Hat about adding one.
  • The developers designed a Body Swap version for Mr. Hat, although only the main cast of Shovel of Hope had one added to the campaign.


Language Name Meaning
English Mr. Hat -
French M. Galure -
Italian Mr. Cappello Mr. Hat
German Herr Hut Mr. Hat
Spanish Sombrerero Hatter
Japanese ミスター・ハット
Mr. Hat
Russian Шляпник
Brazilian-Portuguese Chapelôncio -
Korean 모자꾼
Simplified Chinese 帽子先生
màozi xiānshēng
Mr. Hat
Traditional Chinese 帽子先生
màozi xiānshēng
Mr. Hat


See: Mr. Hat/Gallery


  1. Update: Almost there! and Director for a Day reveals! on the Kickstarter pages of Shovel Knight
Shovel of Hope Characters
Main Characters: Shovel KnightShield KnightBlack KnightThe Enchantress
The Order of No Quarter: King KnightSpecter KnightPlague KnightTreasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
The Wandering Travelers: ReizeBazMr. HatPhantom Striker
Guest Characters: KratosBattletoadsMadam MeeberPassmaster
Village: FarrelsBardMollyGoaticianGoatarmorerGastronomerMagicistJuice MaidDancerDeposed KingGrandma SwampMonaCroakerChesterTroupple AcolyteHoop KidPlaying KidHedge FarmerWater CarrierGrizzled Seer
Armor Outpost: WallaceToaderFishermanMary SweetsLeoPeacock GentDollyArmorerShovel SmithYopplerAirship EnthusiastScholarFish Head
Wandering NPCs: KnightsLady KnightsAdventurersFishermenBag FellowsMaidensDeer LadiesGatherersVillagers
Relic Stages NPCs: VillagerAdventurerGrizzled Seer
Hall of Champions: TicketerCultured FellowPatronThe Big Creep
Troupple Pond and sparkling pits: Troupple KingTroupples
Mini-Bosses: TeethalonThe Dinghy DropperThe Alchemeister
Final Boss: Remnant of Fate
Plague of Shadows Characters
Main Characters: Plague KnightMonaPercyBlack KnightShovel KnightThe Enchantress
The Order of No Quarter: King KnightSpecter KnightTreasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
The Wandering Travelers: ReizeBazMr. HatPhantom Striker
Guest Characters: Madam Meeber
Village: Farrels
Team Plague: MagicistHedge PupilMail Minion (Grandma Swamp) • OolongPlague Minions
Armor Outpost: ChesterTroupple AcolyteAirship Enthusiast
Hall of Champions: Head GuardCultured FellowPatron
Troupple Pond: Troupple KingTroupples
Mini-Bosses: TeethalonThe Dinghy DropperThe Alchemeister
Final Bosses: Plague of ShadowsCorrupted Essence
Cameo/Ending Only NPCs: BardMollyDollyLeoPeacock GentMary SweetsToaderFishermanWallaceYopplerGrizzled SeerWater CarrierHedge FarmerGastronomerCroakerDeposed KingTroupple AcolyteDeer LadiesLady KnightsBag FellowsFishermenGatherersVillagersKnightsMaidensAdventurers
Specter of Torment Characters
Main Characters: Specter KnightShield KnightLuanReizeDark ReizeBlack Knight (Terrorpin) • The Enchantress
Order Recruits: King KnightPhantom StrikerPlague KnightTreasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
Guest Characters: Madam Meeber
Tower of Fate: RedMannyMissyDark AcolyteCreechLegionScrying GlassMemmecDragon Goldarmor'Edge FarmerHoraceScarletDancerGallBazBoneclangGoldarmorBirderRail RiderPlague MinionSpecter Knight impersonator
Wandering Minions: WizzemsBoneclangsGoldarmorsLiquid SamuraisHoppiclesesPlague MinionsHover MeanieHoverhaftGhostTundreadRail RiderGulper MageCogslotter
The Lich Yard: Super Skeleton
Mini-Bosses: TeethalonThe Dinghy DropperThe AlchemeisterHurlsvelgr
Final Boss: Nightmare Reize
Ending Only NPCs: Deposed KingTroupple KingVillagerGrizzled SeerPatronLady KnightAirship EnthusiastMonaMr. HatPeacock GentLeoDollyMaidenToaderFishermanWallaceKnightsFarrelsHedge FarmerHedge Pupil
Beeto's Big Break: Adventurer
King of Cards Characters
Main Characters: King KnightMomKing PridemoorTroupple KingKing BirderSpecter KnightThe Enchantress
Glidewing: DoeCooperBardCardiaGouacheHengineerLedge FarmerVicar of VigorGrandma Swamp
Glidewing Recruits: Hedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusSkipBartonTroupple AcolytesTMK-500Mr. Hat
The Wandering Travelers: Phantom StrikerBazPlague Knight (Percy) • Treasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
House of Joustus: RookieHoop KidPlaying KidGoaticianJuice MaidCroakerRuffianBlack Knight (Terrorpin) • KnightsGathererGrizzled Seers
Cavern of Joustus: VisitorCloaked Figure (Wandering) • ArmorerShovel SmithMole MinionBlorb/BlazorbToaderMona
Crag of Joustus: Old LadyLeoCogslotterHover MeanieCroakerToaderSpinwulvesYopplerOolongPlague MinionCloaked Figure (Wandering)
Tower of Joustus: MissyLiquid SamuraiWizzemRedHorace
Joustus houses/Glidewing: Chester
Wandering NPCs: Old LadiesCard PlayersBag FellowsVisitorsRookiesAdventurersGamblersLady KnightsPlague MinionsLunksWizzemsHoppiclesesCogslottersHover MeaniesTundreadsHoverhaftsRail RidersGhostsGoldarmorsGulper MagesBoneclangsLiquid Samurais
Chest Stage NPCs: Hedge FarmerFarrelsGrizzled SeerGastronomerSnow MaidenBag Fellow
Eerie Manor: The Big Creep
Void Crater: DollyHorzio
Fairy Glade: Madam Meeber
Mini-Bosses: Mole MinionTeethalon
Final Boss: The Grand Triumvirate
Background/Ending Only NPCs: The AlchemeisterWhippiclesesPeacock GentTicketerCultured FellowsPatronsMagicistShovel Knight
Showdown Characters
Playable Characters: Shovel Knight (Fish Head) • Shield KnightBlack KnightThe EnchantressPlague KnightSpecter Knight (Donovan) • King KnightTinker KnightMole KnightTreasure KnightPolar KnightPropeller KnightReizeBazPhantom StrikerMr. HatMonaDark ReizeLiquid SamuraiGoldarmor (Dragon Goldarmor) • Random Knight
Chester's Choice: Chester
Glidewing Crew: CooperBardDoeHengineerVicar of VigorMomKing PridemoorTroupple AcolyteHedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusBartonSkipTroupple MissionaryTMK-500
Village - Town Center: Water CarrierFarrelsYoppler
Village - House of Joustus: Lady KnightsLunksOld LadiesAdventurersGamblersCard PlayersRookiesVisitors
Troupple Grotto - Royal Pond: Troupple KingTroupples
Troupple Grotto - Axolongl Cave: Axolongls
Tower of Fate - Mirror Chamber: Dark AcolyteMissyRedMannyHorace
Colosseum - Percy's Targets: PercyBeetos
Final Boss: Mirror of Fate
Pocket Dungeon Characters
Main Characters: Shovel KnightPuzzle KnightChesterPrism KnightCloaked Figure (The Enchantress)
Playable Characters: Shovel KnightKing KnightSpecter KnightPlague KnightMole KnightTreasure KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller KnightScrap KnightPrism KnightPuzzle KnightBlack Knight (Terrorpin) • Shield KnightMonaRandom KnightShuffle KnightQuandary SageSpinwulfChesterThe EnchantressSchmutz
Bosses: King KnightSpecter KnightPlague KnightTreasure KnightTinker KnightMole KnightPropeller KnightPolar KnightPrism KnightScrap KnightPuzzle KnightThe EnchantressBlack KnightShovel KnightMr. HatShrinemaster
Camp: MyriadTippKeeBohto WagonPlague MinionTiefPercyHedge FarmerFleetoBricks
Castle Quandary: Adult BeanMyriadMr. HatBeeftoQuandary SageSledge FarmerTipp
Side-rooms NPCs: Troupple KingGlitzemShrinemasterHedge Farmer (one-time only) • Beefto
Final Boss: The Master Mind