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Shovel Knight Wiki

I'll keep my friends close... And my enemies closer.

Traitorus, Shovel Knight: King of Cards

Traitorus is a character introduced in King of Cards and a supporting character to King Knight.


Traitorous is a purple-haired man wearing a long purple coat trimmed with dark blue fur. He hunches over when he walks, and sometimes when he talks.



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Traitorus is the former advisor to King Pridemoor. He betrayed the king and stole the Turn Coat, Treasures icon 400, and a Joustus deck. He then sells the Heirloom for Merit Medals 6 and, after being invited to the Glidewing by King Knight, gives the gold for free and challenges him to a Joustus match. He also shows fear for his former king while there.

Joustus Deck[]

RedCardTraitorus RedCardBeeto RedCardDozedrake RedCardInvisishade
Traitorus Beeto Dozedrake Invisishade
RedCardZamby RedCardFleeto RedCardDivedrake RedCardBoneclang
Zamby Fleeto Divedrake Boneclang
RedCardWizzem RedCardGriffoth RedCardGoldarmor RedCardGoldarmor
Wizzem Griffoth Goldarmor Goldarmor
RedCardRatKing RedCardFairy RedCardTadvolt RedCardTorpeeto
Rat King Fairy Tadvolt Torpeeto


Click to expand

At the start of the Turncoat's Tower "Traitorus:
Hello, sire. A moment of your time, if I may? I'm King Pridemoor's former advisor, Traitorus..
I've lost faith in the doddering old fool, and I seek a new king. And you look... Hm-hm-hmm!
Every bit
the part.
To prove my devotion, I'll give you this pilfered Heirloom. I'm sure King Pridemoor won't notice I stole it!
Here, my liege. Have a glimpse. Isn't it a beauty?
Refusing to pay "Traitorus:
After Buying the Turn Coat "Traitorus: I'll await you across the ramparts. Note that this area's magic disables your Shoulder Bash."
At the end of the stage "Traitorus: Well done, your majesty. My faith seems
in your wisdom. King Pridemoor is naught to me now!
"King Knight: I enjoy your way of thinking, Traitorus! Why don't you join my retinue? Your loyalty will be well-rewarded!"
First talked to aboard the Glidewing "Traitorus: Hsss... Take these gems. I looted Pridemoor's private vault before I left, and now his riches are yours!"
Talked to again "Traitorus: I bet you'll never guess whose Joustus deck I stole.
It was King Pridemoor's!
Let's play!
First talked to after King Pridemoor embarked on the Glidewing "Traitorus: Do mine eyes deceive me? Pridemoor stands right there! I'll keep my friends close... And my enemies closer."


  • His name in the game's files is wormtongue, which references Gríma Wormtongue of the Lord of the Rings movie series upon which Traitorus's design is based on.


Language Name Meaning
English Traitorus Homophone of "traitorous", which means "to have the characteristics of a traitor", a reference to how he betrays King Pridemoor.
French Traitorius -
Italian Traitorus -
German Dolchstoss Homophone of "Dolchstoß", which means "stab in the back".
Spanish Traitorus -
Japanese カンゾーク
Similar to "国賊" (kokuzoku), which means "traitor".
Russian Предателес
Derived from "предатель" (predatel'), which means "traitor".
Brazilian-Portuguese Traírasson -
Korean 트레이터러스



King of Cards Characters
Main Characters: King KnightMomKing PridemoorTroupple KingKing BirderSpecter KnightThe Enchantress
Glidewing: DoeCooperBardCardiaGouacheHengineerLedge FarmerVicar of VigorGrandma Swamp
Glidewing Recruits: Hedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusSkipBartonTroupple AcolytesTMK-500Mr. Hat
The Wandering Travelers: Phantom StrikerBazPlague Knight (Percy) • Treasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
House of Joustus: RookieHoop KidPlaying KidGoaticianJuice MaidCroakerRuffianBlack Knight (Terrorpin) • KnightsGathererGrizzled Seers
Cavern of Joustus: VisitorCloaked Figure (Wandering) • ArmorerShovel SmithMole MinionBlorb/BlazorbToaderMona
Crag of Joustus: Old LadyLeoCogslotterHover MeanieCroakerToaderSpinwulvesYopplerOolongPlague MinionCloaked Figure (Wandering)
Tower of Joustus: MissyLiquid SamuraiWizzemRedHorace
Joustus houses/Glidewing: Chester
Wandering NPCs: Old LadiesCard PlayersBag FellowsVisitorsRookiesAdventurersGamblersLady KnightsPlague MinionsLunksWizzemsHoppiclesesCogslottersHover MeaniesTundreadsHoverhaftsRail RidersGhostsGoldarmorsGulper MagesBoneclangsLiquid Samurais
Chest Stage NPCs: Hedge FarmerFarrelsGrizzled SeerGastronomerSnow MaidenBag Fellow
Eerie Manor: The Big Creep
Void Crater: DollyHorzio
Fairy Glade: Madam Meeber
Mini-Bosses: Mole MinionTeethalon
Final Boss: The Grand Triumvirate
Background/Ending Only NPCs: The AlchemeisterWhippiclesesPeacock GentTicketerCultured FellowsPatronsMagicistShovel Knight
Showdown Characters
Playable Characters: Shovel Knight (Fish Head) • Shield KnightBlack KnightThe EnchantressPlague KnightSpecter Knight (Donovan) • King KnightTinker KnightMole KnightTreasure KnightPolar KnightPropeller KnightReizeBazPhantom StrikerMr. HatMonaDark ReizeLiquid SamuraiGoldarmor (Dragon Goldarmor) • Random Knight
Chester's Choice: Chester
Glidewing Crew: CooperBardDoeHengineerVicar of VigorMomKing PridemoorTroupple AcolyteHedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusBartonSkipTroupple MissionaryTMK-500
Village - Town Center: Water CarrierFarrelsYoppler
Village - House of Joustus: Lady KnightsLunksOld LadiesAdventurersGamblersCard PlayersRookiesVisitors
Troupple Grotto - Royal Pond: Troupple KingTroupples
Troupple Grotto - Axolongl Cave: Axolongls
Tower of Fate - Mirror Chamber: Dark AcolyteMissyRedMannyHorace
Colosseum - Percy's Targets: PercyBeetos
Final Boss: Mirror of Fate