Shovel Knight Wiki

The Troupple Pond is a peaceful lush area where the Troupple King resides. It is one of the few safe areas in Shovel of Hope and Plague of Shadows. It is a full-fledged set of stages with its own enemies and boss in King of Cards.


The Troupple Pond is a peaceful body of water in the middle of a lush forest. The trees are high and dense enough to cloud daylight, giving off a mystical vibe. This is where Troupples live, under the rule of the Troupple King. The King himself is fond of visitors, but will only appear to those carrying a Troupple Chalice sold by the Troupple Acolytes. He can then grant their wish if he deems them worthy.


In Shovel of Hope, the Troupple King offers Ichors to Shovel Knight as well as a waltz. In Plague of Shadows, he grants Plague Knight new Cloaks in exchange of a fee or equip already bought ones. He can also teach him how to dance through his tango. If Plague Knight manages to craft the Pandemonium Chalice, the king will grant him the Pandemonium Cloak for free. In both campaigns, the Troupple King grows upset if the knight either falls into the Pond or fishes in it using the Fishing Rod or Bait Bomb. When fishing, only apples and a single music sheet can be obtained.

In King of Cards, King Knight fights his way through the strange creatures of the Troupple Pond on his way to defeat the kings of the Valley.


  • In Shovel of Hope and Plague of Shadows, jumping into the water counts as a death but will not penalize the player in treasures.
  • In the PAX East 2018 demo of King of Cards, the stage uses An Underlying Problem as a placeholder musical theme. The developers just added the definitive music to the game shortly after the show started.[1]
  • The Troupple Pond is referenced in Shovel Knight Dig, in the description of the Memento Troupple Nest.


