The Village is a location in Treasure Trove. Featured prominently in Shovel of Hope, it is one of the two "safe zones" where roaming NPCs and services can be found; the other is the Armor Outpost. There are adventurers, villagers, and other NPCs walking along the background on both the leftmost and the rightmost screen, and a plethora of other characters to interact with scattered across the level.
Unbeknownst to most of its inhabitants, underneath the village lies a second base of the alchemist Plague Knight, the Potionarium, accessed via an underground secret passage inside the nearby house of the hedgehog brothers. The passageway leads to the back of the Juice Bar, which contains hidden Torque Lifts.
Items/Upgrades Available[]
Within the village there are 3 purchasable Meal Tickets (more if not collected from red Treasure Chests), 7 purchasable magic upgrades, and during New Game Plus, a service that offers to switch/purchase Armors.
There are 4 Music Sheets that can be obtained (other than the default 5 from talking to the Bard) scattered across the village.
Upon entering the village for the first time (forced after completing the Plains level) the guard Farrels stops Shovel Knight and comments on how there are no weapons allowed within the village. Upon seeing your Shovel Blade, he laughs and grants you access to everything the village has to offer. He also mentions that by pressing Up, you can interact with other characters in the village.
The Bard character resides on this first screen of the village. He offers to pay 500 gold for every Music Sheet Shovel Knight comes across, and will play whatever song selected from his library until leaving the village.
There is also a woman on this screen that will occasionally whistle at Shovel Knight.
There is a sign above Molly advertising the Gastronomer and Magicist, picturing a heart and a magic drink. If this sign is hit, a magic Jar will fall down. If hit 4 more times, 3 more magic Jars will fall down, followed by a large one. If hit again, no more magic drinks will fall.
In the middle screen of the Village is a room with 3 (or 4 in New Game Plus) characters. The characters are as follows:
- Goatician, a goat who sells Meal Tickets.
- Gastronomer, a man who cooks Meal Tickets into health upgrades.
- Magicist, a woman who sells maximum magic upgrades.
- Goatarmorer, another goat. He appears in the village in New Game Plus and offers the same features as the Armorer from the Armor Outpost.
Below this middle screen is a tavern, the Juice Bar, with three rooms. The characters within these rooms are:
- A dancer, who, after defeating Specter Knight, will dance around the room upon interaction, leaving behind Music Sheet #11 afterward.
- A King who has been dethroned by King Knight.
- Grandma Swamp offers you insight on some "useless" facts about your game. She tells Shovel Knight how many Dig Piles he has excavated, how much gold has acquired, how many times he has died, and the total time spent adventuring.
- In the room to the left (accessed by breaking open the secret wall) is a girl named Mona. If her minigame is played, Shovel Knight will receive treasure. The amount rewarded is based on his score. If the score is at least of 150 points, Shovel Knight will also receive Music Sheet #12.
In the room on the far right there are three characters:
- Croaker, who tells puns. If all of the puns are listened to, the Feat Pungent is unlocked.
- The Relic salesman, Chester. He will sell some of the default relics, along with any relics that were uncollected from completed levels. However, the price of uncollected relics are doubled compared to the item's original cost if found within the level instead. Chester is found within the blue treasure chest in levels.
- The Troupple Acolyte will sell Troupple Chalices to you for 1500 gold each. While talking to him, Shovel Knight can inquire about the Troupple King and also choose the Hail option to read a quick word of praise about the Troupple King.
Back on the surface, on the rightmost screen remain a few characters:
- A Hoop Kid who follows a hoop around. Shovel Dropping on the hoop long enough earns a feat.
- A Hedge Farmer stands beside a Dig Pile and changes his dialogue once Shovel Knight excavate the dig pile. He has multiple dialogue paths depending on how the pile was dug up (for example, using the Trench Blade).
- A Water Carrier Shovel Knight can jump on in order to access the roofs around this part of the village.
- A Grizzled Seer who pays Shovel Knight one token of not-very-useful but still encouraging advice.
- Madam Meeber, a character exclusive to the Nintendo game versions (Wii U, 3DS, and Nintendo Switch), who can scan one of the Shovel Knight amiibo and summon a Fairy companion who will follow them throughout the game.
Finally, there are some characters that just only exist to flesh out the Village, they have no impact on the game other than talking to Shovel Knight:
- There is a glitch that allows Plague Knight to enter the Village which was later patched in the 2.4 update. Plague Knight could proceed through the Village in the glitch until the next room with the Gastronomer.