Shovel Knight Wiki

Our army is
Even the most legendary or stalwart knights could never stand a chance!

A Dark Wizzem, Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment

Wizzems are minor enemies in Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, and Shovel Knight Dig, appearing through various stages as one variant or another. They resemble typical wizards with pointy hats and cast elemental magic. In Specter of Torment, some of them appear wandering the Tower of Fate hub.

Behavior and Tactics[]

Treasure Trove[]

In Shovel of Hope, Plague of Shadows and Specter of Torment, all Wizzem variants (except Dark Wizzems) have BossHPBossHealthHalf (3) health points, and all deal Sword 2 damage points. In King of Cards, they all have instead BossHP (2) health points and deal Sword 1 damage point.

Wizzems slowly charge up a magic attack before firing it. They are always stationary although they will sometimes turn around to face their foe. They all drop two yellow gems both worth Treasures icon 20 gold when defeated.

Flare Wizzems are by far the most common variety. They are colored red and blue and mainly appear at Pridemoor Keep and then in other minor stages such as the Mysterious Area. As their name implies, their attack is the same as the fire orb shot by the Flare Wand. It can be reflected back in a curve with a well-timed Dig Slash.

Pocket Dungeon[]

In Pocket Dungeon, Flare Wizzems have SNewestBubblesPurpleSNewestBubblesPurpleSNewestBubblesPurple (3) health points and deal SATKsword 1 damage point. Once it only has SNewestBubblesPurple (1) health point, a Wizzem that was directly attacked warps away to a safer position on the board. This may complicate making large chains of Wizzems, especially if the one that teleports halves a chain.


Frost Wizzem[]

Frost Wizzems are light-blue and grey colored Wizzems exclusive to the Stranded Ship.

Their attack is identical to the Flare Wizzems except that the orb drops snowflakes periodically as it travels, damaging anyone standing below. The falling snowflakes are reminiscent of Plague Knight's Frost Burst. The orb can deal more damage than common attacks. The orb and the snowflakes can be destroyed but not deflected.

Gear Wizzem[]

Gear Wizzems are black and red-colored Wizzems encountered in the Clockwork Tower and the Tower of Fate: Entrance.

Their attack is notably different from that of any other Wizzems; rather than a small orb that travels forward, they create a gear. The gear will always fall downward if it can and moves forward until it collides with something which will cause it to turn around. Dig Slashes will not reflect these gears but rather cause them to get tossed over Shovel Knight.

In Specter of Torment, their gears can be knocked up and stay in the air for a few seconds, while Specter Knight can use them for Dash Slashes and destroy the gear he cuts through.

Lightning Wizzem[]

Lightning Wizzems are turquoise and orange-colored Wizzems exclusive to the Flying Machine.

Their attack can be quite tricky to dodge. They fire an electric orb that immediately splits into two smaller projectiles once it's directly above or below the player. When the orb splits, one projectile goes up while the other goes down, and they both move very quickly which makes them difficult to dodge. If the projectile is hit before it reaches its target, it will instead split immediately. With a well-timed attack, the split projectiles can hit the caster and defeat it in one hit with the accumulated damages.

Ironically, they don’t appear in Specter of Torment as enemies, but they can still be found in the Tower of Fate hub as NPCs once Specter Knight beats the Flying Machine.

Dark Wizzem[]

Dark Wizzems are purple and magenta-colored Wizzems exclusive to Specter of Torment. They replace Flare Wizzems in Pridemoor Keep while also appearing in Tower of Fate: Entrance.

They shoot a dark wisp-like homing projectile that can be dash-cut by Specter Knight to reach higher places. Unlike other varieties, they have only BossHP (2) health points.

Gold Wizzem[]

Gold Wizzems are gold-colored Wizzems. They never appear as actual enemies, but they do make an appearance in the ending scenes of Specter of Torment. They are seen gilding Pridemoor Keep for the glamorous reign of King Knight.

Dark Lantern Wizzem[]

Dark Lantern Wizzems are dark purple and green-colored Wizzems. They are exclusive to King of Cards and only appear in Pridemoor Keep.

Like Dark Wizzems, they cast a wisp-like homing projectile. However, the projectile they cast is encased in a lantern which King Knight can Shoulder Bash or bounce on while spinning. Dark Lantern Wizzems also only have BossHP (2) health points.

Flameo Wizzem[]

They conjure chaotic orbs of fire that rebound off surfaces. Junior Wizzems often learn Flameo magic first.

Compendium entry, Shovel Knight Dig

Flameo Wizzems are a variant of the Flare Wizzem that has the same color palette as them with the exception of yellow stitches and buttons. They were first introduced in Shovel Knight Dig, appearing in the Magic Landfill.

The Flameo Wizzem stands idly, conjuring up a fireball before unleashing it. Much like the Flameo Wand, the fireball will bounce around for a while before dispersing. Flameo Wizzems have UI boss HP2 (2) health points and deal Sword 1 damage point per direct contact. Touching their fireball deals Sword 2 damage points. The Flameo Ring negates its damage. Like with Flare Wizzems, it is possible to deflect the fireball to the caster, which instantly defeats it.

They reward Treasures 40 gold upon defeat.

Blizzeo Wizzem[]

They conjure icy blasts that freeze anything they touch. To maintain their temperature, Blizzeo Wizzems never eat hot food.

Compendium entry, Shovel Knight Dig

Blizzeo Wizzems are blue and yellow-green colored Wizzems. They were first introduced in Shovel Knight Dig, appearing in the Magic Landfill.

Blizzeo Wizzems cyclically cast an ice projectile that may either go in a straight line or curve. The range of these projectiles are limited, and can be easily avoided by jumping over them. Striking the projectile or touching it freezes Shovel Knight for a few seconds and make him more vulnerable to other attacks, like the Blizzeo Wand does. Getting touched by the projectile also deals Sword 1 damage point. If the projectile reaches the left or right end of the screen, it reappears on the opposite side. The Blizzeo Ring negates its damage.

Blizzeo Wizzems have UI boss HP2 (2) health points and deal Sword 1 damage point per direct contact. They reward Treasures 40 gold upon defeat.

Gusteo Wizzem[]

Their cyclonic gusts can climb around sheer surfaces. Their incantations are verbose, but Gusteo Wizzems don't mind.

Compendium entry, Shovel Knight Dig

Gusteo Wizzems are grey and green-colored Wizzems. They were first introduced in Shovel Knight Dig, appearing in the Magic Landfill.

Gusteo Wizzems repeatedly cast wind projectiles which move on walls and ceilings, like the Gusteo Wand's projectiles. These wind projectiles deal Sword 1 damage point and can be destroyed by striking them once. It is possible to deviate their trajectory by digging dirt and destroying Dirt Blocks and walls, changing their path. The Gusteo Ring negates its damage.

Gusteo Wizzems have UI boss HP2 (2) health points and deal Sword 1 damage point per direct contact. They reward Treasures 40 gold upon defeat.

Joustus Card[]

One of the Joustus cards in King of Cards is a Wizzem card which can push other cards up, down, and to the left.


Click to expand

Wandering Flare Wizzem in Tower of Fate after completing the Plains "Wizzem: The knights with higher bounties on the Magic Mirror are probably more difficult to defeat!"
Wandering Frost Wizzem in the Tower after completing the Plains "Wizzem: The Enchantress is so mysterious. Where did she come from? Who is she?"
Wandering Dark Wizzem in the Tower after completing the Iron Whale "Wizzem: Our army is
Even the most legendary or stalwart knights could never stand a chance!
Wandering Gear Wizzem in the Tower after completing the Clockwork Tower "Wizzem: We've gotta get in gear around the Clockwork Tower! The worst, though, is when our tools break.
Because it takes tools to fix tools.
Wandering Lightning Wizzem in the Tower after completing the Flying Machine "Wizzem: Our valorous captain, Propeller Knight, expresses his esteem!"

Wandering Gear Wizzem inside the Crag of Joustus "Wizzem: The banner above us is chewed to shreds. How could the champion of this House of Joustus allow that?"
Standing Flare Wizzem inside the Tower of Joustus "Wizzem: As I informed Specter Knight, the card printing is going at full speed. We simply cannot keep up with demand!"
Wandering Dark Wizzem inside the Tower of Joustus "Wizzem: Countdown Arrows are strong, but they disappear after a few turns. Like, I dunno, magic. Y'know?"


  • The model for Wizzems is called "Wizard Joe" in the game's files, possibly being a reference to the Sniper Joe from the Mega Man franchise.
  • According to the developers, Wizzems were designed among the most common foe in Shovel Knight.[1]
  • The Japanese localization uses a different color palette for Frost, Gear, and Lightning Wizzems.[2]
  • There are several unused color palettes for Wizzems in the game's files: a default (Flare) palette for Japan localization, a "Dirt" palette, and a "Rat" palette.
    • The Rat Wizzem was supposed to be able to spawn Ratsploders, but was eventually removed in favor of the Gear Wizzems.[3]
  • The dialogue portrait for Wizzems has been present in the game's files since the release of Specter of Torment.
  • In Pocket Dungeon, a Flare Wizzem icon is used to represent a Level 6 CPU in VS Mode.


Treasure Trove[]

Pocket Dungeon[]


See Also[]

  • Glitzem - A flamboyant Wizzem that plays card games for a chance to winning a Relic.
Specter of Torment Characters
Main Characters: Specter KnightShield KnightLuanReizeDark ReizeBlack Knight (Terrorpin) • The Enchantress
Order Recruits: King KnightPhantom StrikerPlague KnightTreasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
Guest Characters: Madam Meeber
Tower of Fate: RedMannyMissyDark AcolyteCreechLegionScrying GlassMemmecDragon Goldarmor'Edge FarmerHoraceScarletDancerGallBazBoneclangGoldarmorBirderRail RiderPlague MinionSpecter Knight impersonator
Wandering Minions: WizzemsBoneclangsGoldarmorsLiquid SamuraisHoppiclesesPlague MinionsHover MeanieHoverhaftGhostTundreadRail RiderGulper MageCogslotter
The Lich Yard: Super Skeleton
Mini-Bosses: TeethalonThe Dinghy DropperThe AlchemeisterHurlsvelgr
Final Boss: Nightmare Reize
Ending Only NPCs: Deposed KingTroupple KingVillagerGrizzled SeerPatronLady KnightAirship EnthusiastMonaMr. HatPeacock GentLeoDollyMaidenToaderFishermanWallaceKnightsFarrelsHedge FarmerHedge Pupil
Beeto's Big Break: Adventurer
King of Cards Characters
Main Characters: King KnightMomKing PridemoorTroupple KingKing BirderSpecter KnightThe Enchantress
Glidewing: DoeCooperBardCardiaGouacheHengineerLedge FarmerVicar of VigorGrandma Swamp
Glidewing Recruits: Hedge PupilDuelist DiTraitorusSkipBartonTroupple AcolytesTMK-500Mr. Hat
The Wandering Travelers: Phantom StrikerBazPlague Knight (Percy) • Treasure KnightMole KnightTinker KnightPolar KnightPropeller Knight
House of Joustus: RookieHoop KidPlaying KidGoaticianJuice MaidCroakerRuffianBlack Knight (Terrorpin) • KnightsGathererGrizzled Seers
Cavern of Joustus: VisitorCloaked Figure (Wandering) • ArmorerShovel SmithMole MinionBlorb/BlazorbToaderMona
Crag of Joustus: Old LadyLeoCogslotterHover MeanieCroakerToaderSpinwulvesYopplerOolongPlague MinionCloaked Figure (Wandering)
Tower of Joustus: MissyLiquid SamuraiWizzemRedHorace
Joustus houses/Glidewing: Chester
Wandering NPCs: Old LadiesCard PlayersBag FellowsVisitorsRookiesAdventurersGamblersLady KnightsPlague MinionsLunksWizzemsHoppiclesesCogslottersHover MeaniesTundreadsHoverhaftsRail RidersGhostsGoldarmorsGulper MagesBoneclangsLiquid Samurais
Chest Stage NPCs: Hedge FarmerFarrelsGrizzled SeerGastronomerSnow MaidenBag Fellow
Eerie Manor: The Big Creep
Void Crater: DollyHorzio
Fairy Glade: Madam Meeber
Mini-Bosses: Mole MinionTeethalon
Final Boss: The Grand Triumvirate
Background/Ending Only NPCs: The AlchemeisterWhippiclesesPeacock GentTicketerCultured FellowsPatronsMagicistShovel Knight